since it's so close to Christmas, what say you all we have a poll ? (,[the winner [,(might),] get me to adopt the majority format],)
1.=> most obnoxious format...4. => least obnoxious format

Why not just "Hack the USB Hubs" and add a "Universal" format as option #5.
See Post #53 &
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=8769.0;attach=9079The basic concept here is a ribbon cable from a suitable controler such as a,
PC, Microcontroler, hex-switcher, etc. etc, is run along with each USB "Hacked-Hub",
preferably wired as dasy chain.
This should work with 4-port, 7-port, 8-port, 10-port and 16-port-hubs.
With my 4-port and 10-port hubs it is easy to unsolder the USB-Out connector
+ 5 volt pin and/or cut the PCB tracks.
I have noted that some USB programs report the current supplied to Canon P&S as less than 2 ma.
HC-Cmos logic gates can source or sink up to 25ma. i.e HEAPS of spare switching capacity at Nano second
switching speeds. Up to 127 Cameras are supported by a 6-bit[+a 3-bit complement] bus.
By "Universal" I mean that this hardware scheme can have these operating modes [!0-Port USB Hub is used for this example]:-
1/ PTP-WRITE Mode ......... Shoot a single , PTP, selected camera.
2/ PTP-READ Mode .......... Download a single, PTP, selected camera.
3/ Sync ALL Mode .......... Shoot ALL Cameras at the same time.
4/ Delayed Sync Mode ....... Shoot ALL Cameras, in HEX order, but with a time delay between each camera.
5/ A 1 of 10 Decoder has 11 STATES, the 11 th is the OFF MODE !!!.
Makes use of CHDK PTP by "AUTO Connecting" to each camera in PTP-READ or PTP-WRITE modes.
NO complicated LibUSB Windows PC hacking is needed or required ALL the "Software Hcking" is now
done by Standard an off the shelf Hardware, mounted on vero boards, and some IDC conneced USB "Hacked Hubs"
CHDK PTP is also "AUTO Diconnected", by WW's software features. i.e. into the "SYNC" Modes.
A 1 of 10 [partial] block Logic state diagram is attached, note that I now have all the components,
BUT I sill have not yet built or tested the USB "Hacked-Hub" concept, I am still busy with the Ixus 240 porting.
This "Scheme" has 22 "States" this is acheiced by additional Exclusive-Or gates at each output.
Hence 10 PTP-Reads, 10 PTP-Writes, OFF x2, SYNC, and Delayed SYNC or 24 states in total.
Note that a 1 of 8 Decodrer is much more flexible, and a suitable as a "Universal" scheme.
Happy X-mas and Happy Hacking.