I hope Canon is also going to make something like this... This thought already crossed my mind today, I'd easily give a few hundred euros extra for a larger sensor on my S5IS, with an electronic shutter. I hope Canon has been paying attention over here and sees what these 'simple' cameras can do and how they sometimes 'outperform' DSLRs. I really think the S5IS would be a monstrous camera if it had a larger sensor with the same zoom range, all this thing spits out is noise, noise, noise. I'm going to a concert in two days, though I'm not allowed to use the flash. I really doubt I'll get anything good at ISO 100/200. A real pity because otherwise, this camera doesn't really lack anything (but replacable lenses and manual (hand, ring) manual focus). Speed doesn't really bother me (slightly faster than 1fps), so apart from that I think it's extremely hard to make something better than the S5+CHDK, in terms of functionality.
oh nooooooooooooooooooo ... i think 450d uses the same system as S5 ... has s5 worked yet
if s5 works, 450d is on the way right
? right we hope so .... 
Same system? You mean same OS, DryOS, just as all DIGIC II cameras have VxWorks (including EOS), which is already supported? I don't see how that would make it much easier. Even worse, if it's based on DryOS, it's likely that it won't work any time soon. I was looking through some VxWorks EOS firmware a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't find any reference to DISKBOOT.BIN (or any other autoboot-possibility), which is currently the only way of getting software to run on DryOS cameras (because the encryption tables haven't been found yet (as far as I know)). This means that we can't do "firmware update" yet and assuming that no EOS camera has autoboot functionality, we can't run code on them. Yet.