You can rename images in a lua script with os.rename(), but if your name doesn't follow the canon naming convention (IMG_nnnn.JPG) then the Canon firmware will no longer see them. This means you won't see them in review mode, and won't be able to transfer them using the USB cable and standard software.
I'll bite .. how do you determine the name of the image you want to rename ?
Painfully.You can just list all the files, and rename any that don't match the expected pattern. This will run into memory problems if you get too many images on the card. You may be able to figure out the appropriate number form the exposure counter, but this may not work on all cameras. If you start with the card empty, after the first shot you can figure out the file number by listing the directory, and then just increment from there on. You can also start from 0 looking for IMG_nnnn.JPG.
Wouldn't be a better idea to add some special EXIF tags to images (for example using TagMe script) and then do renaming on computer?
Changing the EXIF tags might be the best route, as there could be hundreds of images on the card and would run into memory problems with listing and parsing all the names.
This could work by setting the start image at IMG_0001.JPG on one camera and IMG_0002.JPG on the second. In both cases, the script would increment the number of images by 2, instead of the normal 1.Is this suggestion possible in the CHDK?
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