With IS, IRIS and now FOCUS disconnected, on first PUP->PLAY->REC ->M shoot, all worked as predicted, another major step forward.
However, when going back REC->PLAY, it showed "E32 lens error restart camera" message in the viewfinder and closed PTP (recall we are not providing "good stow" dummies). So unlike IRIS, FOCUS is "more sensitive" to a lens error, which conceptually overrides your lens test bypass solution.
Next after the error and PDN, the camera was unable to revive with the electronic dummies. That means unlike IRIS stow fail, when FOCUS stow fails, the camera changes unstow timing and expectancy windows on the next PUP, and we end up in an endless loop with no way out. The converse would be to make a dummy stow fake for FOCUS that would not generate the error and REC->PLAY mode would work. That is a hardware solution possibility, but is rather complicated.
The result of all this had a trickle effect: *both* FOCUS and IRIS Canon components had to be physically reconnected to revive the camera.
Could there be another override, flag etc, different from the current one, in the code that is affected by FOCUS? From the code perspective, could you please share your thoughts on this caveat?
Canon PowerShot S90
P-ID:31E1 NT D
Firmware Ver GM1.01A
Oct 28 2009 15:47:24
Adj Ver.005.001
Mecha Firm Ver. 2.02
2012.12.04 11:46:16 E18 IrisError (finally revived after hardware reconnect)
2012.12.04 11:45:04 E18 IrisError
2012.12.04 11:44:08 E18 IrisError =>> trickle effect
2012.12.04 11:40:17 E18 FocusLensError REC->PLAY : "E32 lens error restart camera"
2012.12.03 22:31:27 E32 ISDriveError <<== always handled
2012.11.30 12:16:56 E32 ISDriveError
2012.11.30 12:10:40 E32 ISDriveError
2012.11.29 15:39:44 E32 ISDriveError
2012.11.29 15:38:28 E32 ISDriveError
2012.11.27 22:22:48 E32 ISDriveError