How can I get you a case of your favorite beer?! This is truly amazing. I could safely say we have a scientific small-format instrumentation imager that leaves all the high-end pros in the dust, including Andor and Roper, naturally once I get the CCD down to -20C. Not one of these specialty shops can compete with Canon's powerful and well-funded engineering resources. It was a matter of us extracting that hidden magic, and we did it.
Please put the image into your pixel browser and mouse around, because even your screen won't do it justice. On top of it all, your hack shows us how dirty what I thought was a clean CCD window. I did multiple passes with acetone and Q-tip to get it *clean enough* to demonstrate convincingly that there are no more image processing contortions left to disable! The uniformity and sensitivity to tiny intensity differences is phenomenal. Ev consistency looks good, pending many more tests of course. But, before I delve into my FirstContact Cleaner (Microfunguy's great suggestion that's sitting in the fridge) and continue testing, please look at this ...
A little gremlin ...
V1.1 has been working perfectly w/o single failure for many months. There is a caveat appears to me to be related to V1.2, or something else special here. First impressions are always the best. Everything PUPed fine into PLAY. I did ->REC and took a shot. JPG transferred to PC OK. But then when I took the next shot, LENS ERROR, and good-bye. Ouch. But camera did not brick (ie MECHA SIM incompatibility) and PUPed OK again, and going ->REC is fine. Here's what I've gleaned to help you resolve this one. All these are from CHDKPTP.
> Cam in REC MODE
> I repeated the condition by SHOOT, but this time looking at the cam activity LED.
> The LED flashed a few times (~4 times) as it does normally for processing and file save.
> But, instead stopping flash after the save, it continues flashing permanently (here's where I got lens error by attempting a 2nd shot earlier).
> So this time before taking a 2nd shot, I did ->PLAY first.
> The first time I did ->PLAY, the GRAY DEBUG menu appeared (the same one I saw in the RAMDmps).
> Pressing ->PLAY again cleared the DEBUG menu, the LED stopped blinking, and only then did the cam go into PLAY MODE.
> Then I could ->REC and take a shot, but always only one shot and then needing to cycle through PLAY MODE.
> That happened twice in succession.
> The 3rd time I did the ->PLAY "blink stop" trick, the DEBUG menu no longer appeared, cam went into PLAY MODE as it normally should, but this time, the lamp kept blinking.
> For this condition I discovered that ->REC stops the blinking, and I could take another shot.
> So without rebooting, the V1.2 cam is in a state where I have to:
SHOOT (LED blinks permanently)
REC->PLAY (LED blinks permanently)
SHOOT (LED blinks permanently)
> If I adhere to the above, I don't get lens error.
I don't think this should be too difficult.
The DEBUG menu also randomly pops up when turning WHEEL L or WHEEL R in CHDKPTP. I can conform the same thing happens on the 100c. Thus my conclusion is that the DEBUG menu can come up randomly with any keypress, and interferes with normal key operation (could be related). Hope this helps. By the way, could you make default with set_config(40,1) but keep the enable/disable option in?
edit (more info):
Strange .. If I continue taking 1/8s exposures (ie all the sample shots so far using the shoot() function that I always use on the 101a) it keeps going into permanent blinking. If I take one long exposure, at 4s, then the cam goes into a behave-normal mode and I can take sequential 1/8s shots w/o the failure for a few shots. Then if I illuminate, liveview is black. If I turn WHEEL buttons, I get LENS ERROR. Something is definitely wrong.