I'm setting up a 24 - 30 camera rig for 3d modeling. I'm using either 123d catch, or PhotoScan to stitch and scan the pictures. I'm pretty familiar with both apps. I have a couple questions before I go into full production of building the camera rig:
1. I'm using SDM currently, and was wondering if the new USB Remote code
http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/USB_Shutter_Remote makes CHDK sync as good or better then SDM, in regards to accuracy, easy of use, and or functionality?
2. I bought three SD800 IS cameras and have been testing on them before buying more. Does anyone have a preference between SD800 IS and the SD1300 IS ?
3. Can you use an IS camera even if the CHDK supported camera is a non IS? For example: SD800 supported, but can I use SD800IS?
4. I have found a couple good threads and site about sync, but nothing with detailed info about set up and process. Does any one have a great tutorial or similar site or thread about multi camera sync (more then 2 camera)?
Thanks in advance.