Currently, I'm triggering the shutter by plugging in and unplugging the power of two daisy chained USB hubs. The problem is when I leave the Elph100s plugged in and the power connected to the hubs, after about 20 seconds it will automatically trigger the shutter. This does not happen on the SD800s. Any ideas how to make it so it does not trigger automatically?
Yes, It would be great if I could override the hard coded feature. There will be many times that the model will be trying to strike a certain poses and it takes longer then 20 seconds. It would be nice to not have to reset the cameras when this happens.
I'm triggering the shutter by plugging in and unplugging the power of two daisy chained USB hubs. The problem is when I leave the Elph100s plugged in
Quote from: David Ripple on 28 / October / 2012, 11:55:53 I'm triggering the shutter by plugging in and unplugging the power of two daisy chained USB hubs. The problem is when I leave the Elph100s plugged inthat is a very curious way of triggering the cameras that is just asking for problems.
I still need to set up a more accurate time measurement tool.
I bought the Gentles solution a couple weeks ago and received it several days ago and used it last night. For my purpose, and with only 5 cameras both gentles and USD daisy chain provide the same result
The gentles is nice because of the easy shutter button. Also, I think as I add cameras it should be better with the power decay. But the only way to know is to test it. Or if someone else has done the test.
The USB daisy chain seems to be better when it comes to all the cameras always taking the picture.
In my limited tests with Gentles I found that sometimes if I hit the shutter button at different time intervals, some of the cameras activate the shutter and some do not.
I also noticed that sometimes after triggering the shutter at odd time intervals. i.e. shoot, wait 12 seconds - shoot, wait 5 seconds - shoot, wait 2 second - shoot, etc. it makes the shutter speed setting messed up. Meaning, I can no longer set the shutter to 1/30. It does not even have that option in the menu.
I have to restart the camera a couple times or re-install the CCHDK2.CFG file in order to have all the shutter speed options again.
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