Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera - page 2 - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera

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Offline rvk

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Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #10 on: 26 / October / 2012, 15:32:41 »
I tried the latest version on my G1X, and it did not work at all. I just have to load this script once (without using it) and immediately load the default script again to screw up the cam. Even when I shoot in non-script mode every picture is almost white on the lcd with empty histograms. Only reboot resolves issue.
CHDK version is 1.2.0-2213.

Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #11 on: 26 / October / 2012, 22:16:24 »
I tried the latest version on my G1X, and it did not work at all. I just have to load this script once (without using it) and immediately load the default script again to screw up the cam. Even when I shoot in non-script mode every picture is almost white on the lcd with empty histograms. Only reboot resolves issue.
CHDK version is 1.2.0-2213.
Well,  this is very strange.  Just to be 100% sure,  I once again cut & pasted the script from the thread above to a new file, reloaded it to my SD940 and confirmed that it loaded and works perfectly.

What is very strange is that you "load the script" but don't even run it and it causes strange things to happen.  There just has to be something else wrong here.

Did you save the script with a   .lua  extensions  ( e.g.  hdrshoot.lua ) on your SD card ?

Do other Lua scripts work correctly ?

Does reboot mean turning the camera off and then on,    or do you need to remove the battery ?

Do you still  get the "shoot in non-script mode every picture is almost white ..." after the reboot if you leave the HDR script selected but don't access it ?

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline rvk

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Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #12 on: 27 / October / 2012, 11:28:47 »
Sorry for blaming your script... When tried your suggested troubleshooting I noticed that things had gone worse. Now I got the same symptoms even with the deafult.bas script. So I erased the memory card and put back a fresh copy of the chdk files, plus the FastHDR.lua. And now everything works as a charm.
Sorry for bothering you with this, and thanks for a great script !

Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #13 on: 30 / March / 2013, 22:03:59 »
Sorry for bumping such an old topic,  but I was wondering if it is possible to add a delete command to  a script.

Basically I want to add a command to delete the last photo taken by the HDR script automatically.

currently the last photo always has the same exif data as the second to last photo, even though it is clearly using different settings much darker than the previous photo which causes problems for some applications if you forget to manually get rid of the last photo.

if it cant be done then no problem as other than that, this HDR script works incredibly good, but it would be even more awesome if there is a way to automatically delete the last image to be taken.

edit: I attached a zip file containing 4 images out of a series of 14 (took a pic of something random), in there you will see the recorded data step down for each image except the last 2 where they will have the same exif settings, but visually they will be different (meaning a different shutter speed was used, but it did not record the different shutter speed)

I uploaded the sample images to mediafire
« Last Edit: 30 / March / 2013, 22:28:32 by Razor512 »

Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #14 on: 12 / December / 2013, 04:57:43 »
I am also sorry for bumping this old Topic  :D

But the "HDR fast shooter" is really working so fast and nice on my Ixus220 and 125, that i would really like to use this for HDR Timelapse.

Is it possible that you can add a simple Timer for stopping the script and a Timer between the Shoots(rows) ? Maybe also LCD_off function ?

This would be a great Christmas present  :xmas


Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #15 on: 12 / December / 2013, 14:56:53 »
Is it possible that you can add a simple Timer for stopping the script and a Timer between the Shoots(rows) ? Maybe also LCD_off function ?
I'll post something in the next day or so.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #16 on: 12 / December / 2013, 22:37:59 »
Is it possible that you can add a simple Timer for stopping the script and a Timer between the Shoots(rows) ? Maybe also LCD_off function ?
Test versions of the medium speed and fast HDR scripts with intervalometer and backlight control added :

Please test and let me know - I'll update the wiki when you report back.

Note :  this version simply turns off the backlight. CHDK version 1.3.0 allows you to turn off the entire display - its a simple change to the script if its running in a 1.3.0 system.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #17 on: 13 / December / 2013, 05:38:33 »
First, THANKS  :D :D :D

The medium and fast scripts are working nice on the Ixus 220(digic4) and 125(digic5) with DE-CHDK-1.2.
Except, when you set infinite shoots (0) it only make one shoot. This should be corrected.
Display turns off correctly on both medium and fast (on the medium script it reactivates when shooting)
Timer is also working correctly !

So everything works nice except the "infinite shoots" bug.


« Last Edit: 13 / December / 2013, 05:41:00 by schmiernippel »

Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #18 on: 13 / December / 2013, 07:54:31 »
Ok, there is an other bug.........

The first pictures are ok,.... but then the pictures are going darker and darker, the last pictures are only black.....
This is with the Fast script using Ixus 220 and 125 with chdk 1.2

The medium script is working normal !

Re: Need help with getting a script to use the click wheel on the camera
« Reply #19 on: 13 / December / 2013, 08:35:57 »
Except, when you set infinite shoots (0) it only make one shoot.
The first pictures are ok,.... but then the pictures are going darker and darker, the last pictures are only black.....
This is with the Fast script using Ixus 220 and 125 with chdk 1.2
Fixed - thanks for testing, I really did not have a lot of time for that yesterday :

Update : I've also created a combined version of the two scripts and rolled in a few other goodies : HDRlapse.lua - an HDR intervalometer with fast shooting
« Last Edit: 15 / December / 2013, 15:59:57 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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