Is it possible to do a renameing after exif-fields?Cause I would like to rename my Images after total shot counter, so something like IMG_12822.JPG.
Format of rename template Plugin has an automatic rename/move feature while copying files from camerabased on defined template with using Exif data. Template may contain any text and variables for substitution. Variable is anysequence of characters between percent characters "%". Template may consist of absolute or relative path and/or optional file name.If template ends with "\", the source file will be just moved to destination.Otherwise, file will be renamed and original extension will be preserved. Generally, variables have the following format: %<VARIABLE_NAME>[:OPTIONS]% All variables is case insensitive. Supported Options: L - convert substitute value to lowercase; U - the same, but to uppercase; <NUMBER> - trim substitute value to defined numbers of characters. Note: The variable DateTime may contain two sections of options. Supported Variables: Make Title of manufacturer of camera. For Canon's cameras it's "Canon". Model Title of model number of camera, for example "Canon PowerShot A60". DateTime Date/Time of shoot. This format differs from other variables: %DateTime[:[FORMAT][:OPTIONS]]% If parameter "FORMAT" is omitted, the result will be as "YYYY_MM_DD HH_MM_SS". The next format specifiers are allowed: YY - year, two digits (04) YYYY - year, four digits (2004) M - month number, one or two digits (1) MM - month number, two digits with leading zero (01) MMM - month abbreviation (Jan) MMMM - month full name (January) D - day, one or two digits (7) DD - day, two digits with leading zero (07) DDD - day of week, abbreviation (Wed) DDDD - day of week, full name (Wednesday) H - hour, one or two digits (9) HH - hour, two digits with leading zero (09) N - minute, one or two digits (3) NN - minute, two digits with leading zero (03) S - second, one or two digits (4) SS - second, two digits with leading zero (04) All other characters transfers without changing. Ex.: %DateTime:D-MM-YY(DDD) at H-NN-SS% -> "7-01-04(Wed) at 9-03-04". ExpTime Exposure time (reciprocal of shutter speed) at format X/Y, for example "1@@60". FNumb The actual F-number (F-stop) of lens when the image was taken, for example "2.8". Tv Shutter speed. The same as ExpTime, but in seconds. For example "0.0333". Av The actual aperture value of lens when the image was taken (in APEX format), for example "5.0". EBias Exposure bias (compensation) value of taking picture, for example "-0.3". FocalLen Focal length of lens used to take image (in mm), for example "14.72". Width Width of picture in pixels, for example "1600". Height Height of picture in pixels, for example "1200". ISO ISO value (CCD sensitivity equivalent to Ag-Hr film speedrate). Can be "Auto", "50", "100", "200", "400". WB White balance used while shooting. Can be "Auto", "Sunny", "Cloudy","Tungsten", "Fluorescent", "Flash", "B&W", "Shade", "Custom". Flash Flash mode. Can be "Auto", "Off", "On", "RedEye", "SlowSynchro","Auto&RedEye", "On&RedEye", "External". FBias Flash bias value, for example "-0.3". ExpMode Exposure mode. Can be "Auto", "Landscape", "FastShutter", "SlowShutter","Night", "Sepia", "Portrait", "Sports", "Macro", "PanFocus", "Program","Manual", "TvPriority", "AvPriority", "A-DEP", "B&W". MeterMode Metering mode of exposition evaluating. Can be "Evaluative", "Partial", "CenterWeighted". Macro Macro mode flag. Can be "Normal" and "Macro". ImageSize Image size relative to camera possibility. Can be "Large", "Medium", "Small". Quality Image Quality (jpeg compression). Can be "Normal", "Fine", "Superfine", "RAW". SeqNumb Sequence number (if in a continuous burst). For normal shooting it's always "1". Firmware Firmware version in camera, for example "Firmware Version 1.0". Owner Camera owner, for example "Jonh Brown". ImageNumb Internal image number used of camera while continuous numeration.For example, for shot number 6732 it will be "1676732". FullNumb Full five-place shot number, decoded from previous value. Prefix First four characters of source filename, for example "IMG-". Template samples: %Width%x%Height%-%FullNumb%-%Quality:1L%-F%FNumb% Only to rename file after copying. Example of result: "1600x1200-16674-s-F2.8.JPG". %DateTime:YYYY-MM-DD%\%DateTime:HH-NN-SS% Create in destination folder named as creation date of file and move renamed file into. Example of result: "2004-01-14\18-25-37.JPG". D:\FOTOS\%DateTime:YYYY-MM-DD%\%DateTime:HH-NN-SS% The same as previous example, but destination always is "D:\FOTOS\". Example of result: "D:\FOTOS\2004-01-14\18-25-37.JPG". %Model:U%\ Group files by folders, based on uppercased title of model number. Example of result: "CANON POWERSHOT S50\IMG-0459.JPG".
Is it possible to make Canon use EXIF data to create photos with names:YYYYMMDD-hhmmss-IMG_1234.jpg instead of simple IMG_1234.jpg?
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