(It popped up something about "enabling native calls could damage your camera" ... What can actually be damaged and what can happen to the camera? Is this setting risky?)
Now another question: how can I extend battery life? Can I use the USB connector and an external battery pack or does it have to be powered via the battery pins inside the battery bay in the camera? Are there cheap adapters available somewhere? (Canon G1X)
Does the script even run on my model?
I am new to chdk. I installed version 1.2 on my Canon PowerShot S5IS. When I try to get the meteor.lua script to run, it always crashes with "Mecha.Create failed".
Does anyone have experience with this error? Does the script even run on my model?
Can You help me ? I have A470 and 1.2.0 chdk. When I run Your script I get this error :":135: attempt to call global seconds_to_tv96 (a nil value)" and TERMINATED...what to do?
Second and... I hope... last question : how I can set ISO over 1600
Started by diegorodriguez Script Writing
Started by ProjectHaxor General Discussion and Assistance
Started by dutchie Creative Uses of CHDK
Started by Intheswamp Creative Uses of CHDK
Started by csengeri Script Writing