One-button custom white balance set - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

One-button custom white balance set

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One-button custom white balance set
« on: 12 / November / 2012, 16:29:24 »
I do a lot of scubadiving and take my SX230 running CHDK with me, allowing me to shoot in RAW.  The RAW format definitely allows me to post-process the images properly and adjust the whitebalance where needed.

However...when diving, the light changes every few meters while de- or ascending; when shooting in a cave; when a cloud blocks direct sun; etc....  Basically, you should be adjusting your whitebalance every few minutes - which I do, despite the RAW with post-processing options.  Reason being is that I constantly switch between video's and stills, yet with video's - it's a lot less obvious to modify white-balance after shooting.  Nonetheless, the camera uses the configured whitebalance for both stills & video's.

Is there an option to assign one of the buttons -or an easy to access shortcut, or pressing a button for a longer time- to immediately set (and apply) the custom whitebalance?  It would basically switch to the configure whitebalance option, 'capture' the white object you are pointing at and optionally immediately apply that whitebalance.


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