Classical multiple exposure - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Classical multiple exposure

  • 3 Replies
Classical multiple exposure
« on: 15 / November / 2012, 09:52:43 »
Hi there,

I'm looking for an multiple exposure option.
Since I couldn't find any script providing such option, I was wondering, if there's anybody out there, who's able to step in.

Initial situation:
Actually it's the same effect you could easily reproduce with your old analog camera, while taking a picture and not fast-forward to the next negative, but take another picture. Here's an example:

Isn't there any way to load a picture from the card and add the information of the next photo? Maybe you can even define the amount of pictures.

Hope you get a glimpse of what I intend to create.

All the best,


Re: Classical multiple exposure
« Reply #1 on: 15 / November / 2012, 10:04:00 »
The usual response is to ask why you want to do it in the camera rather than on the PC.

Anyway, search the forum for "multiple exposure"  .... there are thirty references.

Re: Classical multiple exposure
« Reply #2 on: 15 / November / 2012, 11:46:07 »
Good call, the question why I don't want to merge the pictures on a pc is easily answered:

  • I simply want to save time
  • There is a kind of artistic claim. Photo manipulation and filters are ruling the world. Time to cherish some craftsman tradition ..

And you're right, there are a whole bunch of posts. To my mind, none delivered satisfying solutions. I apologize for any convenience.

I'm looking for a full functional script with enhanced multiple exposure options. Maybe there are a few others who are interested in such an upgrade to their cameras. For that reason I created a new post.

If there is no interest in this topic in general, please feel free to close this post.

All the best,


Re: Classical multiple exposure
« Reply #3 on: 15 / November / 2012, 12:00:51 »
I'm looking for a full functional script with enhanced multiple exposure options.

The nearest is

If there is no interest in this topic in general, please feel free to close this post.

This is the Internet.
I posted a question some days ago and it did not get any replies.
You only posted two hours ago.


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