SX50 HS porting thread - page 5 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

SX50 HS porting thread

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #40 on: 23 / November / 2012, 12:00:30 »
Many thanks ERR99 for V2. I will try it tonight.

I added the CHDK dir to the root of the SD card the other day that you uploaded separately and tried to create badpixel.bin again. It took the image, then seemed to process it for a while but then failed. I can not recall the exact error message but I will clarify tonight.

It seems to be putting RAW pictures on the SD now but not got round to using my desktop PC to check them.

Using V2 Now

badpixel.bin failed. Please try again.

The RAW pictures it does take will open in Lightroom4.3 with Camera Raw 7.3 but appears as colourful static. I have also tried Raw Therapee V4.0 64Bit. They do open the regular RAW files taken with the camera in Manual Mode.
Cant reproduce this, badpixel.bin is here created (with 0 badpixel found), so same behaviour as on SX40.
Incorrect colors in DNG are normal until a customized color matrix configuration is created. You can help creating this for SX50 by following this instruction:

I have done a complete reformat of the SD card and extracted V2 on to it but still getting the following:

When I try to run create badpixel.bin the camera takes a photos, seems to be processing it for a while, then takes a second photo and after a short time displays:

badpixel.bin failed. Please try again.

The photos that is does take in RAW look like static and unusable for calibration.


Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #41 on: 27 / November / 2012, 20:09:53 »

I still get motion detection problem with the new SX50 code.
It continue shooting even without motion.  I increase the threshold and it does helps but still having problem.
what do I need to do?  :-)  Thanks,


Offline bojofbas

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #42 on: 06 / December / 2012, 04:43:34 »
Any progress update as I do not see a formal download on "CHDK-SVN Autobuild Download"

I have had a quick play with some overides which do appear  on the face to be working Ok, but never using these before I cant be 100% certain of what I am seeing


Offline TSJ

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #43 on: 19 / December / 2012, 16:43:47 »
crash wile using MF zooming functions(chdk) and shoot-( log attached.)
edge overlay directions (up & down)  is not working and sometimes(left & right) crashes while shoot.( next time it happens I´ll post a log of the edge overlay.
overrides seem to be working ok.
it´s the fist day and time i´m using CHDK, but it´s appears very useful, i need to learn the scripts language, but it looks easy at first.
Thanks for the porting efforts. very good work!!!

(note:Alpha build V2)


Offline TSJ

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #44 on: 21 / December / 2012, 22:38:27 »
crashed while ISO = 5000 and above, tested up to 9999   override.
mode tested: M,Tv
shutter speed values above 1"3 sec.
makes a sound before shut down, like a sensor adjusting the focus
no others overrides used.


Offline TSJ

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #45 on: 23 / December / 2012, 20:49:55 »
still crashing, but after a bunch of shots using the same config. the camera starts to shut down.
this time trhe camera accept the confs using overrides of aperture,iso and high exposition . but afeter some shots it starts to shut down.


Offline reyalp

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #46 on: 24 / December / 2012, 17:26:51 »
crashed while ISO = 5000 and above, tested up to 9999   override.
mode tested: M,Tv
shutter speed values above 1"3 sec.
makes a sound before shut down, like a sensor adjusting the focus
no others overrides used.
According to the canon specs, the ISO only goes up to 6400. On many Canon cameras, the last stop of ISO is actually software processing done in the jpeg process (ignoring binned "high ISO" modes), so you may not actually be losing anything by not being able to override beyond this.

The three romlogs you have posted are all in different parts of the code.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline TSJ

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #47 on: 26 / December / 2012, 12:18:53 »
all the crashes occured while shooting at iso 5000 and above, in non similar situations. so i gess it will be in diferent parts of code.


Offline yukia10

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #48 on: 05 / January / 2013, 00:57:40 »
all the crashes occured while shooting at iso 5000 and above, in non similar situations. so i gess it will be in diferent parts of code.

My SX50HS (1.00c) seems to give pictures of 1.6 times higher ISO value than the override (e.g. get ISO 640 picture from ISO 400 override) on CHDK (trunk 2451, under porting to firmware 1.00c from 1.00b).

ISO 5000 and above seems to be working (mode P, shutter speed: 1s or 2s).
override   in   CHDK: 4000 4800   6000   8000   9600 
displayed w/o CHDK: 6400 8000 10000 12800 16000

Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #49 on: 05 / January / 2013, 09:35:15 »
My SX50HS (1.00c) seems to give pictures of 1.6 times higher ISO value than the override (e.g. get ISO 640 picture from ISO 400 override) on CHDK (trunk 2451, under porting to firmware 1.00c from 1.00b).
Perfectly normal.  You are seeing the difference between "market" ISO and "real" ISO values.  The market (or marketing) values are the ones the Canon firmware publishes and tend to be about 1.6 time the "real" ISO value that CHDK uses to make exposure calculations work correctly.

See the description here :
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