SX50 HS porting thread - page 4 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

SX50 HS porting thread

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Offline ERR99

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #30 on: 21 / November / 2012, 02:35:11 »
Also cant seem to get to work "bracketing in continuous Mode" by setting "Subj. Dist. Bracket Value...[0 – 100] " and setting camera in MF and continuous. 

he focus does not seem to change and often crashes the camera. Used this in my old SX30 for stacking, but cant seem to get it to work in this early port.  Can't compare as my SX30 went in as part exchange.

Also no multiplier in the "Subj,Dist. Bracket Value"  as there was for the SX30  eg "Value factor (mm)...[Off, 1, 10, 100, 1000]"

So if you can help as I  did  use this for macro staking and want to do it on the sx50.

This CHDK Port is based on the dev-trunk chdk 1.2. Maybe configuration for subj.dist braketing has changed, i dont know. I did also a build bases on CHDK 1.2 for sx40 and the subdistance feature and the motiondetection feature behaves as on the SX50. So the issues are possible not SX40/50 Port related and more a bug or feature of the 1.2 branch.

I will test this features  on other CHDK Cameras and with "older" CHDK Version to see how they worked in the past.

I did a new ALPHA Build (V2). With swapped Jogdial directions and compiled with active native lua call feature.
Please use this version for testing, and if the camera crashes/shutdown, please switch camera back ON and go to the CHDK Menu "Miscelleaneous Stuff->Debug Parameters->Save ROM crash log". Then take out the SD-Card and copy (and maybe rename) the file ROM.LOG to your PC. Collect some of those crashlogs and if you have some, please post them here.

Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #31 on: 21 / November / 2012, 04:06:31 »
Many thanks ERR99 for V2. I will try it tonight.

I added the CHDK dir to the root of the SD card the other day that you uploaded separately and tried to create badpixel.bin again. It took the image, then seemed to process it for a while but then failed. I can not recall the exact error message but I will clarify tonight.

It seems to be putting RAW pictures on the SD now but not got round to using my desktop PC to check them.


Offline bojofbas

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #32 on: 21 / November / 2012, 04:29:24 »
Also cant seem to get to work "bracketing in continuous Mode" by setting "Subj. Dist. Bracket Value...[0 – 100] " and setting camera in MF and continuous. 

he focus does not seem to change and often crashes the camera. Used this in my old SX30 for stacking, but cant seem to get it to work in this early port.  Can't compare as my SX30 went in as part exchange.

Also no multiplier in the "Subj,Dist. Bracket Value"  as there was for the SX30  eg "Value factor (mm)...[Off, 1, 10, 100, 1000]"

ammend- FYI..... it seems to be a problem with MF mode, as other bracketing ( eg Av & tv) worj OK,

ammend.....   FYI

It seems anything to do with MF mode is the problem. Other bracketing in continous mode works OK ( eg Av & Tv). Also seems any script that requires MF seems  not to crash if not in MF mode ( but of course does not do what it should as not in MF mode), but once MF mode is turned on the camera crashes... hope this helps

So if you can help as I  did  use this for macro staking and want to do it on the sx50.

This CHDK Port is based on the dev-trunk chdk 1.2. Maybe configuration for subj.dist braketing has changed, i dont know. I did also a build bases on CHDK 1.2 for sx40 and the subdistance feature and the motiondetection feature behaves as on the SX50. So the issues are possible not SX40/50 Port related and more a bug or feature of the 1.2 branch.

I will test this features  on other CHDK Cameras and with "older" CHDK Version to see how they worked in the past.

I did a new ALPHA Build (V2). With swapped Jogdial directions and compiled with active native lua call feature.
Please use this version for testing, and if the camera crashes/shutdown, please switch camera back ON and go to the CHDK Menu "Miscelleaneous Stuff->Debug Parameters->Save ROM crash log". Then take out the SD-Card and copy (and maybe rename) the file ROM.LOG to your PC. Collect some of those crashlogs and if you have some, please post them here.

see attached  the log for crash when to use bracketing in continous mode as above with V2
« Last Edit: 21 / November / 2012, 11:27:35 by bojofbas »


Offline bojofbas

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #33 on: 21 / November / 2012, 11:33:02 »
The above seems to be an issue with MF mode as other continous bracketing on CHDK ( eg Av & Tv) works OK. Also when running scripts like MFDOF , if you set camera to MF mode it  crashes once it starts taking photos.  If you do not switch to MF , the script runs and completes with no crashes , but of couse you dont get  end result required as no change in focus as script need it to be in MF mode.   Hpe this helps to point to the root cause

Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #34 on: 21 / November / 2012, 11:58:36 »
Many thanks ERR99 for V2. I will try it tonight.

I added the CHDK dir to the root of the SD card the other day that you uploaded separately and tried to create badpixel.bin again. It took the image, then seemed to process it for a while but then failed. I can not recall the exact error message but I will clarify tonight.

It seems to be putting RAW pictures on the SD now but not got round to using my desktop PC to check them.

Using V2 Now

badpixel.bin failed. Please try again.

The RAW pictures it does take will open in Lightroom4.3 with Camera Raw 7.3 but appears as colourful static. I have also tried Raw Therapee V4.0 64Bit. They do open the regular RAW files taken with the camera in Manual Mode.
« Last Edit: 21 / November / 2012, 13:56:39 by the_real_jaykay »


Offline bojofbas

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #35 on: 21 / November / 2012, 13:43:17 »
Just another  - Subj. Dist. Bracket Value...[s in mm and got up in 100mm steps, this is far  too big for macro photography. With previous versions  on the sx30 I believe this  was smaller step and you could combines with Value factor (mm)...[Off, 1, 10, 100, 1000]"

any chance of ensuring this is in any SX50 port?.  I wonder why it was removed?

SORRY.....found pressing shoot button whilst changing figures allow you to move along digit to set to whatever size you want....  different to what I am use to on the version used on the SX30
« Last Edit: 21 / November / 2012, 13:53:26 by bojofbas »


Offline ERR99

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #36 on: 21 / November / 2012, 17:37:32 »
The above seems to be an issue with MF mode as other continous bracketing on CHDK ( eg Av & Tv) works OK. Also when running scripts like MFDOF , if you set camera to MF mode it  crashes once it starts taking photos.  If you do not switch to MF , the script runs and completes with no crashes , but of couse you dont get  end result required as no change in focus as script need it to be in MF mode.   Hpe this helps to point to the root cause

The crash here comes from the canon firmware (Assert) when CHDK trys to set the focus_distance. If MF + Safetyfocus=OFF is active, then the CANON Firmware throws this assert (No crash with Safety Focus=ON). Currently im not sure hot to fix this, until now i cant find somtehing wrong in the port.


Offline ERR99

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #37 on: 21 / November / 2012, 17:53:17 »
Many thanks ERR99 for V2. I will try it tonight.

I added the CHDK dir to the root of the SD card the other day that you uploaded separately and tried to create badpixel.bin again. It took the image, then seemed to process it for a while but then failed. I can not recall the exact error message but I will clarify tonight.

It seems to be putting RAW pictures on the SD now but not got round to using my desktop PC to check them.

Using V2 Now

badpixel.bin failed. Please try again.

The RAW pictures it does take will open in Lightroom4.3 with Camera Raw 7.3 but appears as colourful static. I have also tried Raw Therapee V4.0 64Bit. They do open the regular RAW files taken with the camera in Manual Mode.
Cant reproduce this, badpixel.bin is here created (with 0 badpixel found), so same behaviour as on SX40.
Incorrect colors in DNG are normal until a customized color matrix configuration is created. You can help creating this for SX50 by following this instruction:


Offline bojofbas

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #38 on: 22 / November / 2012, 03:24:25 »
The above seems to be an issue with MF mode as other continous bracketing on CHDK ( eg Av & Tv) works OK. Also when running scripts like MFDOF , if you set camera to MF mode it  crashes once it starts taking photos.  If you do not switch to MF , the script runs and completes with no crashes , but of couse you dont get  end result required as no change in focus as script need it to be in MF mode.   Hpe this helps to point to the root cause

The crash here comes from the canon firmware (Assert) when CHDK tries to set the focus_distance. If MF + Safetyfocus=OFF is active, then the CANON Firmware throws this assert (No crash with Safety Focus=ON). Currently i'm not sure how to fix this, until now I cant find something wrong in the port.


have managed to get continuous bracketing for DOF working by ensuring Safety focus is on (Although documentation say this should be off, but seem to work anyway). This is s good stop gap and allows my macro photography with the SX50...... Thanks


Offline bojofbas

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Re: SX50 HS porting thread
« Reply #39 on: 22 / November / 2012, 03:38:19 »

Have now tried focus  lock, where 1/2 press and left (on jog wheel) put the camera MF. Then trying to do a  continuous DOF stack it crashes as before.   This may be that in that state it does no apply Safety Focus to ON. Added the ROM Log  in case it may help.


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