SX150 IS Sunset F16 maximum exposure time not working? - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

SX150 IS Sunset F16 maximum exposure time not working?

  • 2 Replies
SX150 IS Sunset F16 maximum exposure time not working?
« on: 15 / November / 2012, 14:41:03 »
Whatever parameter I put in Maximum exposure (30 sec for example), the maximum exposure I get is 3.2 seconds.
I was trying to shoot night at ISO 100 but I get fairly less exposed than I would like. If I start the scritp when the camera is in manual at 15 seconds, the first frame is shot at 15 seconds and then all following ones at 3.2 seconds.
How can I unlock this 3.2 seconds limit?

Re: SX150 IS Sunset F16 maximum exposure time not working?
« Reply #1 on: 16 / November / 2012, 02:33:08 »
I had a look at the log and something strange.
At the start of each script launch the parameters are given in the log.
The max_tv parameter is always at -156, whatever the seconds I choose in the parameters:

max_tv:   -156   (1 s)
max_tv:   -156   (2 s)
max_tv:   -156   (3 s)
max_tv:   -156   (12 s)
max_tv:   -156   (15 s)
max_tv:   -156   (30 s)
max_tv:   -156   (65 s)

That looks like a kind of problem here and explains why always 3s max exposure, whatever I choose in parameters.
Tv -156 is 3 seconds isnt'it?

I then deleted sunsetF16.tbl from Data and restarted a script with 30s as max exposure and now in the log I had
max_tv:   -480   (30 s)
This is right this time! :)
I then restarted the script having changed max exposure to 10s and in the log I got
max_tv:   -480   (10 s)
This is wrong again! >:(

So now it is more clear.
doesn't get updated when parameters are changed in CHDK interface. That file need to be deleted, then it is recreated with right parameters, but if parameters are changed again then they don't get updated.
At least this is true for max_tv.
I haven't checked every other parameter to see if that's also true for these.

Wonder if it is the script, my camera or any other?

Re: SX150 IS Sunset F16 maximum exposure time not working?
« Reply #2 on: 16 / November / 2012, 03:42:44 »
And, by the way, what is the parameter "Reload Prev Exposure"?
What does it do?


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