IXUS75/SD750 1.01a | 1.00b | 1.02a - Update 09Nov2008 - Passing the Torch - page 6 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

IXUS75/SD750 1.01a | 1.00b | 1.02a - Update 09Nov2008 - Passing the Torch

  • 381 Replies
Re: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a (Finished) | 1.00b (Porting) | 1.02a (Porting)
« Reply #50 on: 30 / April / 2008, 03:41:54 »
I have IXUS 75 and 1.01b. Ready to test ;-)
"DON'T PANIC" (c) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
keyhell - Affiliate with UNIX

Re: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a (Finished) | 1.00b (Porting) | 1.02a (Porting)
« Reply #51 on: 01 / May / 2008, 00:25:07 »
I've got an IXUS 75 with 1.02a and am ready to test! :D


Offline hobo

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Re: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a (Finished) | 1.00b (Porting) | 1.02a (Porting)
« Reply #52 on: 03 / May / 2008, 20:08:04 »
Also excited and here to test with an SD750! 1.01 just goes to black  :(

Re: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a (Finished) | 1.00b (Porting) | 1.02a (Porting)
« Reply #53 on: 05 / May / 2008, 20:02:01 »
just curious, any info? updates?

waiting anxiously with a SD750 - 1.02a firmware.



Offline TPC

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Re: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a (Finished) | 1.00b (Porting) | 1.02a (Porting)
« Reply #54 on: 06 / May / 2008, 19:39:17 »
Sorry, I got sucked into <insert excuse here>. No, really.

I'm working on the other two firmwares but they're coming along slowly. I have several other projects on my desk, some of which help pay the bills... and those take priority!

I'd like to post a time limit but "a few days" last time has turned into two weeks... so I'll post the update When It's Done (TM).

EDIT: Look for the 1.02a port this Friday/Saturday.
« Last Edit: 07 / May / 2008, 01:03:55 by TPC »

thank you for update!
waiting back for releases ;)
"DON'T PANIC" (c) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
keyhell - Affiliate with UNIX


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Hi, it was me who udumped the 101b firmware off a friends cam in the pub (see reply #20)
After comparison of 101a and 101b  dumps through IDA, I am almost convinced that the
101a bin should work on 101b (about the only things different are date & version strings)
As my original suppliers cam is not available to me ATM, could somebody with a 101b
cam please test this ? Would save a lot of work :D



edit: this was already mentioned by GrAnd in reply #14
« Last Edit: 08 / May / 2008, 02:39:15 by whim »

Have a SD750 1.00b, is there any way I could be of assistance?

Is the best way to start the 1.00b port by copy and modify the completed 1.01a-port ?
IXUS75/SD750 1.00B

Hi, it was me who udumped the 101b firmware off a friends cam in the pub (see reply #20)
After comparison of 101a and 101b  dumps through IDA, I am almost convinced that the
101a bin should work on 101b (about the only things different are date & version strings)
As my original suppliers cam is not available to me ATM, could somebody with a 101b
cam please test this ? Would save a lot of work :D



I'll look at.
"DON'T PANIC" (c) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
keyhell - Affiliate with UNIX

Hi, it was me who udumped the 101b firmware off a friends cam in the pub (see reply #20)
After comparison of 101a and 101b  dumps through IDA, I am almost convinced that the
101a bin should work on 101b (about the only things different are date & version strings)
As my original suppliers cam is not available to me ATM, could somebody with a 101b
cam please test this ? Would save a lot of work :D

Hello, thanks for the great effort!

I have an euro Ixus 75:
P-ID:314E  PAL V

Firmware Ver GM1.01B
May 14 2007    09:17:54

And the 1.01a firmware from zSHARE - chdk_sd750_101a.zip seems to work. I have only just found out about CHDK, so I have only loaded it onto the camera and done some quick playing around. The ALT button is the "Direct Print" and the button to access the menu is "DISP".

Please tell me if there is anything you need me to test or debug.


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