IXUS75/SD750 1.01a | 1.00b | 1.02a - Update 09Nov2008 - Passing the Torch - page 7 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

IXUS75/SD750 1.01a | 1.00b | 1.02a - Update 09Nov2008 - Passing the Torch

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Offline whim

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Thanks for testing so far ! And no, I hardly put any effort into this: I just made a
Universal Dumper Card and got a friend in the pub to trust me her camera
for 5 minutes  :D  Having seen how much work porting can be, I'm very
happy that I might have saved somebody from doing this unnecessarily.

As far as your situation is concerned: just keep testing / playing
with the 1.01a beta binary and keep an eye on comments by others to see if
yours keeps behaving similarly !

looks like you guys are in luck too  :D

have fun !

« Last Edit: 07 / May / 2008, 15:11:57 by whim »

Im glad to see the SD750 is coming along, and I have one quick question.

Is Firmware version the same as saying 1.02a or am I way off here?


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Im glad to see the SD750 is coming along, and I have one quick question.

Is Firmware version the same as saying 1.02a or am I way off here?

"" isn't the same as 1.02a.  Sounds like you need to create the vers.req file on your camera's SD card. Don't worry though, the file contents can be anything, the file name is all that matters.

If you don't want to worry about all that then wait another day or so. the 1.02a is now up to 90%, I only need to do the stubs_entry files and then it'll be available for testing.


Thanks, I realized I miss name the file. I got 1.02a, I'll be looking to test soon.

I have started a 1.00b port by copying TPC's 1.01a source and modifying it.

done everything up to boot.c, looks like I only needed to change the canon_-longs in boot.c.
the other addresses appeared to be the same in 1.00b

now working with capt_seq.c, and looks like sub_FFB0D8CC_my is not at the same address and a lot longer with plenty of branches to other loc's.

Do you have to calculate the var_'s or can you just include them?
Code: [Select]
    asm volatile (
 "var_14          = -0x14\n"
 "var_10          = -0x10\n"
 "var_C           = -0xC\n"
 "var_A           = -0xA\n"
                "ADD     R1, SP, #0x14+var_10\n"
IXUS75/SD750 1.00B

I've tested my IXUS75 (1.01b) using available chdk for 1.01a.

Works fine!!! - everything is loaded correctly. It seems to be that buttons and main functions work fine, however I need more time to check them all.

So, you may tell people that 1.01a is also supports 1.01b.
"DON'T PANIC" (c) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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Offline whim

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@all 1.01a / 1.01b owners

In Reply #33 you asked for a review of your trunk source, and I decided
to take it up. Since I didn't know from which trunk you constructed it
I have done this by importing just the /platform and /loader files,
and adapting /include/camera.h and (root) Makefile.
While adapting camera.h I noticed the following:

1) You have CAM_HAS_IRIS_DIAPHRAGM enabled
   are you sure ? no other ixus cam has one, AFAIK
2) CAM_RAW_ROWPIX and CAM_RAW_ROWS are unequal to those for ixus70_sd1000
   and all other 7 MP cams, you haven't by any chance just plugged in the
   JPEG picture size here have you ?

During compilation CAM_CONSOLE_LOG_ENABLED 1 caused errors, so I disabled it.
In the end, I just decided to set all camera.h options equal to those for
ixus70_sd1000 (except CAM_RAW dimensions and CAM_FEATURE_FEATHER) and got
a clean compile (no errors/warnings).
The only other file I had to change for 390 compatibility was lib.c in
/platform/ixus75_sd750/sub/101a due to a change in vid_get_XXX functions naming.
I added a 101b dir as well, content is equal to 101a.

Since I don't have access to the ixus75_sd750 here's a link to the 'end product'
it contains binaries (should run on 1.01a and 1.01b) and source code (only what
needs to be added to/changed in trunk390) Could somebody please test the binary ?

ix75_sd750_101ab_trunk390src.zip - 0.26MB


@all 1.01a / 1.01b owners

Since I don't have access to the ixus75_sd750 here's a link to the 'end product'
it contains binaries (should run on 1.01a and 1.01b) and source code (only what
needs to be added to/changed in trunk390) Could somebody please test the binary ?

ix75_sd750_101ab_trunk390src.zip - 0.26MB


I have loaded it onto my SD750 1.01b and it seems to work fine.

There are screen obscuring/refresh issues while in record mode and the raw develop feature doesn't seem to work (asks me to be in record mode and take a single shot). But these might be common know errors as I'm pretty new to this project.

I'll play some more with it later.



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EDIT: Look for the 1.02a port this Friday/Saturday.

We are all waiting like little children just if it was the christmas evening the moment before the unwrapping of the presents.  :xmas

I have downloaded firmware form reply #66,moved files PS.FIR,DISKBOOT.BIN to the root of my ixus 75(1.01b) and what i have to do then?i didnt found "FIRM UPDATE" on the menu of playing mode...
p.s.I`m sorry for my bad english)


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