OK, then let's try some other options:
1. Move all files on the card to your computer (only those that you want to keep - your photo's etc.)
2. format the card in the camera (playback mode - menu button - find Format option - format )
3. retry: put PS.FIR & DISKBOOT.BIN on the card - card in cam - start in playback mode - press Menu button - goto leftmost
menu - press up once (= the same as all the way down) --> now you should see Firmware update option
[as you might have noticed, this is basically what you already did, just described step by step - BTW I'm not absolutely sure
of the location of the 'Firmware update option' on the ixus 75 (I have a - very similar - ixus 70) so be sure to check all
menu's ! I assume you're aware that some menus are higher than a screen and require scrolling ]
If it STILL does not work, try the same with another card, the 16/32 MB card that usually comes with the cam should work
Also take a look at this nice user guide
http://www.willylorenzo.com/chdkguide/CHDKGuideInProgress02.pdf Another approach would be to make the card bootable with this utility:
zSHARE - cardtricks127.exethis should not be necessary (although is doesn't hurt) for the firmware update method which uses PS.FIR.
It IS nessary if you want to use DISKBOOT.BIN. After making the card bootable you will need to set the card to
'write-protected' (slide the little tab away from the electric contacts of the card - I hope that that's even possible with
a mini-SD/adapter combination)