My DreamPC broke down so I went to my mothers place to download chdk for the first time and try it out on my PowerShot SX 50 HS.
It worked. I downloaded a time-lapse script and stored it on the sd card. I tested it, it works.
I come home and decide to explore what other scripts exists. I navigate to the "exam" folder via the script loading screen. It's now stuck in this "exam" folder.
When I press left it gives a context menu, instead of going back up to the parent folder ?!
I tried every possible button to navigate back up to the parent folder, nothing seems to work.
I tried turning off/on but it goes back to the exam folder.
I tried using the file browser but that dont change the script loading screen.
I am very angry about this because now I cannot use the time lapse script which is inside parent folder (one folder up the tree if you wish).
Pretty stupid that this navigating functionality is missing ?!?!?!?!?! Yes even for free software. Simply big design mistake. Please fix and all is forgiven.
For now I can only think of one solution. Using the file browser to delete or move the exam folder so it's nuked.
Also the ads on this website are slowing down my back up computer. Are these ads really necessary ?

(Cut back on the ads at least a little bit ? No need for the same ad on top and bottom).
Hopefully tomorrow my DreamPC will be fixed.
A pissed off and annoyed
*** UPDATE ***
Ok, I found a nice work around, since there is a copy & past context menu, I copied counter.bas to the exam folder, so at least now the script can be loaded again, which makes me really happy !

If the motherboard doesn't arrive, then at least I can play with the camera/time lapse future ! Looking really forward to it !

A happy Skybuck !
