This is what I have so far. Lapser's CHDK version works and runs the same timelapse script I was using originally.
I have given up on raw for the time being I think it kinda works but I didn't try it again*, if you want more info about raw I'll grab the camera. It is in the garden watching the world/clouds/sunshine/snow go by at the moment.
Lapser's script takes one shot then stops. It doesn't seem to crash the camera, nor does it do anything noticeably odd it simply stops. All of the other parts of the script seem to work, in as much as I can resize and move the metering box set the script going, play with the various parameters etc. but as I said when I set it running it takes a picture then stops.
Oh and I am charging up half a dozen nb-4l batteries, so I have a sporting chance of being able to shoot tonights sunset.
Edit: Nope, RAW (.DNG) more kinda *doesn't* work. I took 6 images, 2 look fine, 4 look terrible, with varying degrees of distortion (banding and snow starting at the top of the image, covering between 20% and 100% of the picture), so let me try the standard build of CHDK and see if that is OK.