i'm new to chdk, but i have experience in c and asm (not arm, but in general). Since I own a IXUS 240 (102a), I want to get chdk running on this device, but there is a problem...
As far as I see, the "loader" is firmware-independ, so the version of nafraf should start on my ixus, right?
first, i tried to blink the LED in my_restart(), but i could not see anything. Next, i tried to simple put the LED on right after the entry point:
.section .entry
// LED on
LDR R3, =0xC0220020
MOV R2, #0x46
STR R2, [R3]
but...nothing. (Or is the asm wrong? As I said, no experience with arm asm)
Is the LED address different depending on the firmware version?
I also just copied the sub/101a directory to sub/101b and made address adjustments with "chdk-pt". The values in makefile.inc are looking fine to me. For the moment, i have no idea how to find my problem, can anyone assist me?
I would love to port chdk and do calibrations, but i think i need a little bit help the start over
Should i upload a my 102a PRIMARY.BIN anywhere?
Thanks for any help,