The differences are camera specific data, it looks normal to me. The assert-log in your dump is Canon Basic related, try renaming or removing the extend.m file (if it's there). The assert might also be a false lead, if you ever tried to run a Canon Basic script with errors.
Thank you for reply, but I am not sure if I understand what can I do.
Yes, I have problems running dumper script before "successfull" dump. When I renamed extend.m, I was not able to run dump. (It's ok, I expect) In other way - chdk was tested before I ever know how to dump firmware, so if there is chance to's not the case. :-( ... or why to rename extend.m?
(log was created with dump and contains 3 lines: Started , FF000000 dry , done )
If firmware is correct... what can one miss in chdk installation? (I have tried Fat16 on 2GB SD, fat32 on 16GB, card formated in camera or pc (fdisk + mkfs.vfat) ... :-( ) Or is there some older version which can be tried?
(I have tried another dup and yes, file is different again, so diff alone is useless for it. :-/ )