There is no port for 100c, firmware dump is required.
Re: IXUS 240/ELPH 320 HS Porting thread
« Reply #185 on: 17/January/2014 Porting Progress for the Ixus 240's, A Further UpDate.
Re: IXUS 240/ELPH 320 HS Porting thread
« Reply #190 on: 18/January/2014, Source for my build(s) of 240-100c and 240-100d
Note's in regard to the (old) 240-10Xx Builds:-
The Bad:-
* All this stuff is in "Storage" because I "Volunteered" to renovate a 100 year old house...(

* 240-10Xx are not capable of Remote Wi-Fi shooting via Canons Camera Window Software.
* 240-10Xx are not capable of Remote Wi-Fi shooting via "NFC" Canons Camera Window Software.
* A newer version, may be possible, from a very old backup copy (

* A newer version would still have all the errors as per old posts.
The Good, and slightly off the topic:-
* My Porting skills have "Improved" since the "Old" 240-100c version.
* I have been looking a the possibility of a "Simple" Android Phone/Tablet NFC "Hack".
The "NFC Hack" !dea is to have a NFC Antenna, next to the Phone/Tablet to "Collect" the NFC_RF
then send the NFC_RF along a 50 ohm Co-Ax cable which is then terminated and DC_Rectified so
as to produce a standard CHDK Remote +5 volt compatible control signals. No exteral battery is neded.
Currently this !dea is a W.I.P and still under construction. As "Usual" it sounds complicated but its
actually fairly simple and cheap. Camera control is via a Android, low level, command that turns the
NFC_RF On or Off, so, ... NO High Level Android NFC Protocols are required.
Comments, Anyone
Edit #1 "NFC Hack" !dea, see attached files