1. That's correct, but forgetting for a minute the hardware side of things, all we are talking about is a data stream using USB protocol:
The USB ProtocolIf a software driver can send the proper handshaking and get properly clocked data to flow, then the device at the other end, the mixer, could care less if it's a host or a ghost. We are not trying to satisfy Plug-and-Play recognition of multiple manufacturers, just turn on the data stream and get it into the camera where we can access & direct it.
2. Again forgetting the USB controller hardware (basically there to keep multiple devices playing together nicely and auto-recognizing new devices, etc.) if CHDK software can trigger and write the incoming data stream to the proper address on the SD card, then we have accomplished our goal - taken USB data from the mixer and saved it.
USB is bi-directional, so the host can receive data from the device and can send data to the device. I can upload images and sounds to the camera using the software provided with the camera, so obviously data is at the end of the cable going into the camera. If CHDK can access and process that data, then the camera could care less if it's a device or where it's coming from.
There obviously must be a way to tell the camera's hardware that there will be incoming data since I can upload images to the camera from my computer and write them to the SD card. Why can't CHDK software trick the camera into thinking that the command to allow data to come in and be written to the SD card is coming from a host...?? In which case, the incoming data can be from whatever USB device we choose including a USB Mixer.
3. I'm not talking about the power lines, I'm talking about the data lines. Yes, checking for the presence of power to trigger a remote is one thing, but I'm considering accessing the data on the other two pins. It has been mentioned that those routines have not yet been found, but that doesn't mean developers aren't looking:-)
4. Again, I'm not talking about whether or not there is a connection/power on pins 1 and 4. Full speed USB data lines operate at 12 Mbps which is certainly fast enough for 44.1kHz, 16-bit, stereo.
And once again, because no one here seems to understand how they work and continues to raise the same irrelevant objections:
a USB Mixer takes the audio from one or multiple microphones and uses Analog to Digital (A/D) converters to create a digital bit stream which it outputs using the USB protocol at its USB port.
It does NOT use the power lines of pins 1 & 4 to do this.
It uses the Data Lines on pins 2 & 3.
Testing for "usb-is-connected-state" has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!
Let's find the routines that allow the cameras to read the USB Data lines first. Then let's determine whether or not this can be done. In the meantime, will everyone please stop telling me the reasons you THINK it can't be done without really knowing what you are talking about.
A USB Mixer satisfies ALL the requirements needed to provide the audio data in USB Protocol format to the USB jack of the camera. We need to focus on how to handshake with that data stream and once it's incoming, how to write it to the SD card.
Short summary: you seem to mix up several things. No actual hardware limitations have been discussed.