Allbest Bug - Exposure Time in Tv-bracketing is not correct in some case. - AllBest's Builds - CHDK Forum

Allbest Bug - Exposure Time in Tv-bracketing is not correct in some case.

  • 2 Replies
I found the exposure time of some pictures may not be right in Tv-bracketing in Allbest Build 48.
Here is a HDR example, at 2EV exposure shift and -EV direction,
 First image is taken at 1/400s f2.8, and second one is taken at 1/1600s f2.8.
    Third one should be at 1/6400s f2.8,  but exif data shows it is at 1/1600s.
Actually it is really 2EV darker than one taken at 1/1600s.

The right exposure time can be correcly recorded?
Or sometime it is necessary to creat Pv-bracketing? 1/400 f2.8 - 1/1600 f2.8 - 1/1600 f8?
Now I just use a exif editor to correct it. My camera is SD870 IS.

« Last Edit: 30 / March / 2008, 22:47:36 by faulkner »

« Last Edit: 22 / April / 2008, 15:15:00 by Barney Fife »
[acseven/admin commented out: please refrain from more direct offensive language to any user. FW complaints to me] I felt it imperative to withdraw my TOTAL participation. Nobody has my permission, nor the right, to reinstate MY posts. Make-do with my quoted text in others' replies only. Bye

Thanks. I will try to use CHDK2EXIF.


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