thanks everyone for the comments :-) glad to see some appreciation for my work lol. honestly im really growing bored with this camera, its neat with these features but the lack of an aperture diaphram in these cameras is really killing it for me. All of the depth of field in my pictures is imitated using photoshop, but its really hard to compose a shot and imagine how you have to edit it later to achieve the picture you want.
also i\'ve kind of grown out of hdr pictures, not really sure what i like now. not sure if i am as interested now as i was before. really wish i could afford a nice rebel xti to expand my interests more, but i just dont have the funds. its kinda hit and miss now when im in the mood for pictures.
i\'ve taken a few other pictures recently but cant post them until i am home (at school and cant view pictures with the internet filtering). i think photography is kind of a release for me when im feelin down and stuff, just wish i could achieve half the pictures i attempt.
Also noticing all of my pictures i\'ve taken lately look the same pretty much; dark, black and white, high contrast, that sort of thing. Meh just hitting a block in ideas right now i think.