Evening guys, at the moment my Mum is borrowing a friends "Animal Camera", basically all it is, is a camera with motion detection and a good flash in a rock-like casing. As Christmas is coming up, I figured I could build one for her and give it to her as a present as it's something she's generally passionate about. I'm a little worried about the motion detection during night, is it sufficient to catch animals such as wallabies/possums/foxes moving around during the night? What would be a good, cheap camera? It doesn't need to produce amazing images, just have reasonable night photos, or a good flash, and obviously, the less I spend, the better.
I was also thinking of mounting a solar panel on top, as a secondary power source, I'm not sure how I'd make it work, has anyone made anything like this before? I'm a novice when it comes to electronics and electrical systems, so I might not bother, it's not too important anyway, but if there's a tutorial somewhere a link to that would be amazing.
Also, I was thinking I'd need to build an enclosure for it too, would thickish wood be sufficient do you think? If I silicone the gaps, and give it a paint, would that be enough to keep the water out of it? Or I could buy a silicone/waterproof case for it, depending on the camera I end up with I s'pose.
How do cameras generally handle heat? I know it's a pretty open question, and every camera's different, but as a whole, do they tend to not like higher temperatures? I'm in Australia, and higher temperatures are pretty common. The one Mum's using seems to malfunction if it's ~25 degrees Celsius outside, and that basically means that it only works during the night, and even then some nights it's still to warm and it takes pictures constantly until the SD-card is full.
So yeah, basically, I want a reasonably durable camera that'll take CHDK, and I'm not sure if this has been spoken about on the forums here (I tried searching, but to no avail), but I'd like to mount a solar panel on it, and if there's a tutorial somewhere that'd be great, and will a camera with CHDK be able to see movement at night? As that'd be its primary purpose, if not, I could probably mount a solar light on top.
Thanks guys

, and sorry for the long post, I wanted to cover everything I can in one post. And I'm going to apologize in advance if this is in the wrong section of the forums.