I downloaded sx230hs-101c-1.2.0-2653-full_BETA.zip from
http://mighty-hoernsche.de/trunk/ When I unzipped it and booted from it on my camera, it reports (both in the splash screen and in build info) the FE version as 101b. (Irrelevant further info: The CHDK Version is reported as CHDK 1.2.0-2653, the revision as 0, the date and time as Mar 25, 2013 and 05:09:30, the Camera as sx230hs, and compiler as GCC 4.4.3)
In fact,
Tanmoy-Bhattacharyas-MacBook-Pro:~ tanmoy$ diff -r /Users/tanmoy/Downloads/sx230hs-101b-1.2.0-2653-full_BETA.zip\ Folder /Users/tanmoy/Downloads/sx230hs-101c-1.2.0-2653-full_BETA.zip\ Folder
produces no differences! In fact the zipped files are identical!
More investigations show that 100c != 101a != 101b == 101c == 101e
(101b and 101c are also the same for 1.1.0 builds.)
Any idea what is going on? Should I be worried? I am seeing occasional problems (identical in 1.1.0 and 1.2.0) which I can report once I am sure I am using the right CHDK build to start with.