Another idea is to use SET_NOW if get_shooting() is true, and SET_LATER if it isn't. It sound like it would work. What am I missing?
Since set_now just sets the propcase, this needs to happen in a particular point in the shooting process, it seems to me exposing at as an option to set_tv96_direct would just add confusion without much value.
Another idea is to use SET_NOW if get_shooting() is true, and SET_LATER if it isn't. It sound like it would work. What am I missing?QuoteThis would make more sense, although one thing to watch out for is when get_shooting goes back to false.
This would make more sense, although one thing to watch out for is when get_shooting goes back to false.
static int now_flag=0;static int when(){ if(now_flag&&shooting_in_progress())return SET_NOW; return SET_LATER;}extern void set_later() //called in script.c before script starts{ now_flag=0;}//also need new lua function set_now() that just does: now_flag==1;
static int now_flag=0;static int when(){ if(now_flag&&shooting_in_progress())return SET_NOW; return SET_LATER;} lua_script_start( char const* script, int ptp ){ now_flag=0; //set_tv,sv,av default to SET_LATER...static int luaCB_set_now_flag( lua_State* L ){ now_flag = luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ) != 0; //set_now_flag(1) means all calls to set_tv,sv,av functions take place immediately if shooting_in_progress() return 0;}static int luaCB_set_sv96( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_sv96(luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_tv96_direct( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_tv96_direct(luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_tv96( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_tv96(luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_iso_real( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_iso_real( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_av96_direct( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_av96_direct( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when() ); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_av96( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_av96( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when() ); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_nd_filter( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_nd_filter_state( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}... FUNC(set_now_flag)
Here are the proposed code changes. It looks like I can reset the now_flag in lua_script_start() instead of adding a function to call from script.c. Also, I named the function "set_now_flag()" instead of "set_now()." My reaction to "set_now()" was, "set_what_now()?"Code: [Select]static int now_flag=0;static int when(){ if(now_flag&&shooting_in_progress())return SET_NOW; return SET_LATER;} lua_script_start( char const* script, int ptp ){ now_flag=0; //set_tv,sv,av default to SET_LATER...static int luaCB_set_now_flag( lua_State* L ){ now_flag = luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ) != 0; //set_now_flag(1) means all calls to set_tv,sv,av functions take place immediately if shooting_in_progress() return 0;}static int luaCB_set_sv96( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_sv96(luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_tv96_direct( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_tv96_direct(luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_tv96( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_tv96(luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_iso_real( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_iso_real( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_av96_direct( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_av96_direct( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when() ); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_av96( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_av96( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when() ); return 0;}static int luaCB_set_nd_filter( lua_State* L ){ shooting_set_nd_filter_state( luaL_checknumber( L, 1 ), when()); return 0;}... FUNC(set_now_flag)[edit] I just tested the above routines with my time lapse script and set_tv96_direct(tv). It worked fine, just like with propcases, as expected. I need to test it with set_sv96(sv) to see if that also works as expected.
static int when(){ if(kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF))return SET_NOW; return SET_LATER;}
static int when(){ if(camera_info.state.is_shutter_half_press)return SET_NOW; return SET_LATER;}
Maybe I'm missing something obvious; but if this only applies if trying to set values when the shutter is half pressed why not just test that?
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