Deriving ICC profile for Monitor and Printer using DNG profile (DCP) - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Deriving ICC profile for Monitor and Printer using DNG profile (DCP)

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I don't know where to put such question, I hope this sub-forum is the right place.

Assuming we have a properly calibrated DNG profile for our digital camera, then why can't we use our digicam to calibrate our monitor or printer?

Can't we take a photo of the monitor showing ColorChecker chart (or printer output), then compare pixel value in the resulting photo to the ColorChecker original image itself? This way maybe we can "derive" an ICC profile for our monitor or printer by using the calibrated DNG profile.

I know that it will not provide the best accuracy, but I think it will be better than no color management at all :)

It's just an idea, what do you think?


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