I've already added the pulse detection to the script you gave me and it works perfectly. Thanks again..
That's good to hear. I didn't anticipate using the new set_shot_interval(..) for synchronization, but I'm glad it worked.
The next step is to add shot metering. I'll let you know when I have that working automatically.
It might also be nice to take more than 1 shot per motor step, so it would pan more slowly in the video result. The script would shoot on the first and second step like it does now. It would time the step interval, and set the shot interval to 1/2 of the step interval (for 2 shots per step)
I already have an optional nshots input: set_shot_interval(interval, nshots)
nshots is the number of undelayed shots per interval. Since each shot is metered from the last shot, taking two quick shots ensures that the second shot is metered correctly, especially with longer intervals.
But I could also add a secondary interval for nshots, instead of 0. The shot interval would alternate between the main interval, and the secondary interval. It's simple to add, and it would allow you to alternate between an interval of 2 weeks for the sync shot, and 1 second for the shots in between. i.e.
nshots=2 -- or make it an input parameter
pulse_time= (measured time between last 2 pulses)