chdkptp with the SX40HS-100i - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

chdkptp with the SX40HS-100i

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Offline dvip

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chdkptp with the SX40HS-100i
« on: 31 / December / 2012, 11:08:13 »
I can run chdkptp.exe (r11) on Windows 7/64-bit with my A590IS-101b without problems.
But when I run chdkptp.exe with the SX40HS-100i (in play mode) and hit "Connect" I get "error: no devices available".

However, the camera does shows in Explorer as:

Portable Devices(1)
"Canon PowerShot SX40 HS"
Digital Camera

and I can access files and folders from Explorer without problems.

I'm using philmoz-reorg@2433 on both cameras.
Do I need anything else to make chdkptp.exe connect to the SX40HS?


Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp with the SX40HS-100i
« Reply #1 on: 31 / December / 2012, 14:54:35 »
If you see it in explorer, then the libusb driver probably isn't correctly installed. On win7 (vista and later I think) you should use the INF driver rather than the filter driver.

In some cases (I'm not exactly clear on the details) the libusb driver only associates with the device on a particular port, so if you plug it into a different one than where the camera was when you crated the INF, it will show up in windows rather than libusb.

to be clear, you need to install and INF driver for each camera you use.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline dvip

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Re: chdkptp with the SX40HS-100i
« Reply #2 on: 31 / December / 2012, 16:30:33 »
>to be clear, you need to install and INF driver for each camera
>you use.

This did it. Problem fixed. Thanks reyalp!


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