Interested in tapping into the zoom function on the S110 so we can demonstrate the "pinch to zoom" functionality on our iPad app: have FFMPEG working on iOS, and a low latency streamer module from Z3 Technology (DM368-MOD) that streams from any HDMI output.Hello!We are interested in being able to stream video off the S110 and then pinch to zoom on any drone (quads and hexes usually) such as: an example)C10ud if I bought and mailed you a camera could you help us get the base CHDK working so we can focus on zoom functionality? We are a group of experienced programmers, but are new to CHDK so it will take some time to spool up.The ring on the camera can be repurposed (I tested it in a store next door) to control the zoom so it *should* be possible.Open to other options besides the S110 too. I did like the size (light) and zoom capability though for flying on small drones.This is just to be able to demo the concept for us, we don't plan to sell a system, but want to show what is possible with COTS and the iPad app.
Hi,recently I bought a new S110 and it seems that it contains a new firmware:See for the dump.Thorsten
Attached is an initial (untested) port - this will expire in 28 days.Please test and report back any problems, and also if it works so it can be included in the autobuild.
All i can say since now is that the CHDK elements on the screen blink from time to time, is it normal?
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