I have found something that is a loss that it's not working.Normally when I use a script with zoom@infinity set you will see AFL on the screen when the script runs, according to the S110 manual that function should activate AFL somewhere on the screen.
In P-mode my A480, A490 and S95 show AFL if I use set_aflock(true)/set_focus(60000) in a script. however, the S110 does not.example: look at this picture of my S95 I posted because of the space bar, it has AFL in the right upper corner.https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=13932.0;attach=16121;image
would it be possible to call it from a script as a keypress
no, i have not yet, because i was wondering if press 'erase'would do it
KeyMap keymap[] = { { 0, KEY_ERASE ,0x00000001 }, // RING FUNC
[click would probably be better, the button is named erase.
if (bi.platform=="s110") then click'erase' end -- ringfunc button has to be set to AFL in CF if (bi.platform=="s110") then click'set' click'set' end -- disable AFL in CF by calling funcset...twice to remove menu again
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