Dump Ixus 960is - page 3 - Firmware Dumping - CHDK Forum

Dump Ixus 960is

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Offline whim

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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #20 on: 10 / April / 2008, 16:54:01 »
I'm sorry to hear that it doesn.t work for you.
Since the cam is so new it is of course possible that Canon changed something
that prevents Udumper from working as it should.

I guess all I can do is describe what happens if the Udumper works properly:

- you switch on the cam in play mode (with locked Udumper card) ->  NOTHING appears to happen,
  no lights, sounds, nada - if this happens, wait half a minute
- remove battery/batteries, and then the card
- put battery back.

If at this point the 'empty.dum' still contains only zeroes, and the same happens with other diskboot.bin's
then it can't do the job, obviously.
If, however, as you described, you never saw your cam go 'dead' when starting up with the Udumper card,
I would still suspect a card problem. Please double check the following:
- put the card in your card reader and start CardTricks
- select your card, and check the following under 'Card Info & selection:

File System: should be FAT not FAT32 (unlikely to be wrong, you also tried 32 MB card, right)
CHDK Autorun: should be "ON ('BOOTDISK' at 0x40)"

that's about all I can think up,



Offline ewavr

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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #21 on: 10 / April / 2008, 16:59:04 »
When I read the first sector of the SD card BOOTDISK is listed in 0X64. 

Maybe, not 0x64, but 64 = 0x40?
Try rename diskboot.bin to upgrader.bin


Offline uzzy

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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #22 on: 10 / April / 2008, 17:50:57 »
Maybe, not 0x64, but 64 = 0x40?
Try rename diskboot.bin to upgrader.bin

Your right it is at 0x40, I mistyped, but I will try renaming the bootdisk.bin file.  I'll also try the CardTricks as suggested by whim.


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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #23 on: 10 / April / 2008, 22:09:18 »


Offline mx3

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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #24 on: 11 / April / 2008, 02:42:34 »
......maybe the bootdisk.bin needs to be executed through the ps.fi2 file???  Or Maybe not it was just a thought.

if encoding/encryption method of ps.fi2 is the same as for already supported cameras(dump available) it may be possible to execute dumper using this method

the problem is nobody have published investigation results on this.
CHDK for new cameras do not have ps.fi2 to start with.
skype: max_dtc. ICQ: 125985663, email: win.drivers(at)gmail, eVB decompiler


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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #25 on: 11 / April / 2008, 03:06:18 »
if encoding/encryption method of ps.fi2 is the same as for already supported cameras(dump available) it may be possible to execute dumper using this method

The encryption or/and firmware packing stricture is obviously changed. Any DryOS-based camera refuses PS.FI2 made as PS.FIR (with proper ID, of course).
IMO, it is possible to find that encryption tables from the dumped firmware looking into the "Firmware Update" procedures. But nobody did that.
« Last Edit: 11 / April / 2008, 03:08:34 by GrAnd »
CHDK Developer.


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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #26 on: 11 / April / 2008, 03:15:06 »
Renaming bootdisk.bin to uploader.bin didn't work either.  It still loads up with the Canon splash screen and then says "No Image" and at the bottom of the LCD it displays "Card Lock".

werent you supposed to rename it to upgrader.bin?you probably just mistyped it in the thread,but who knows :)


Offline whim

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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #27 on: 11 / April / 2008, 04:34:33 »
Just a wild shot at this problem:
We know there's at least 1 cam (ixus65) that uses FF80 0000 as ROMBASEADDR.
If we assume that these newer cams also have a different ROMBASEADDR, couldn't it
be that the search routine 'misses' the Canon dump routine ?
It might be a long shot, but worth a try: recompile Udumper with FF80 000 instead of FF81 0000 ?

just my 2 cents


edit: recompiled for FF80 000, attached are the 3 bin's in a zip.
        they obviously need to be renamed before use.
« Last Edit: 11 / April / 2008, 04:51:55 by whim »


Offline mx3

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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #28 on: 11 / April / 2008, 04:38:38 »
and using of -fpic compiler option can solve possible problems if bin file is loaded into location different from 1900
skype: max_dtc. ICQ: 125985663, email: win.drivers(at)gmail, eVB decompiler


Offline whim

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Re: Dump Ixus 960is
« Reply #29 on: 11 / April / 2008, 05:01:48 »

could you explain that mx3, for us non-gcc guru's ? what does that do and should it be added to
all 3 'arm-elf-gcc' lines in the 2 .bat files ?


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