Hi Zeno,After I wrote my previous comment I tried the card in my desktop machine running Fedora 18 with a USB card reader and it worked fine. That machine assigns /dev/sde to the card instead of the far more confusing /dev/mmcblck0. That "mmc" stands for "multimedia card" and is apparently a holdover from a competing near-equivalent to SD type of card. The card itself is an SDHC but the reader is integrated into an older laptop and that seems to be source of the whacky name: when the card is in the USB card reader in the same laptop it is assigned /dev/sdb.
... but when it came time to set up the SD card it gave me an error that I no longer remember accurately: something about too long of a name--it meant nothing to me since it had no other context about what was too long or why it cared
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