I did a "low level" format of the SD card in the camera. I then put the card in my reader and put the CDHK folder and the PS.FI2 file at the root level of the card.
There should be 5 files in the root folder, plus the CHDK folder. Are you sure all 5 were in there? You definitely need DISKBOOT.BIN
If he is trying to use the "firmware update" method, then the only file needed in the root directory is the ps.fi2 file. You do not need three of the other four at all. And the diskboot.bin is only needed for the "SD Card Lock" autoboot method.
A friend thought my problem was using an 8G card. So, today, I bought a 4G card.
I did a fresh download of DHSK for my SX260 firmware version 1.01a. I did not want to try making the card bootable until I saw that things would work with "firmware update method".
I expanded the download with "The Unarchiver". To check that there were no unwanted flags, I did an "ls" in terminal (I'm on a Mac) and saw that the items: CDHK and PS.FI2 did not have the "@" flag at their end.
-in fact, here is a copy and paste of the download file name: sx260hs-101a-1.1-2.0-2461-full_ALPHA.
So, will some kind soul tell me what the hell is going on.
and saw that the items: CDHK and PS.FI2 did not have the "@" flag at their end
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 <username> <username> 127664 10 Dec 02:17 DISKBOOT.BIN com.apple.quarantine 38 -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 <username> <username> 128412 10 Dec 02:17 PS.FIR com.apple.quarantine 38
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