Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script

  • 5 Replies
Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script
« on: 07 / January / 2013, 14:31:38 »
Hi all,

I use a canon A590is with remote.bas script, triggering the camera via remote cable.

I use a 12V external battery and 7A with a 3V converted to operate the camera.

The script stays on while the camera is active, the problem is that at 5 hours of operation, the camera turns itself off leaving the lens extended.

Checked the battery voltage is more than enough to keep running.

Do you have a ceiling CHDK uptime? With a battery of these features the camera should keep running for many hours.

There is code to prevent shutdown of the camera until the battery runs out.

thank you very much


Re: Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script
« Reply #1 on: 07 / January / 2013, 15:02:48 »
The script stays on while the camera is active, the problem is that at 5 hours of operation, the camera turns itself off leaving the lens extended.
If the lens stays extended then the camera crashed.  It did not shut itself down.

Some addition information will be helpful :
- Version of CHDK you are using  (available in the Miscellaneous stuff menu or the startup splash screen)
- Camera firmware version.
- A ROMLOG.LOG dump after the crash (Miscellaneous Stuff --> Debug Parameters --> Save ROM crash log)
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script
« Reply #2 on: 09 / January / 2013, 15:44:15 »
Waterwingz Hi, thanks for your help.

Here are the details:

Canon PowerShot A590 IS
P-ID: 3176 PAL D

Firmware View GM1.00E
Jan 8 2008 16:57:22

and CHDK version,

100e FW CHDK

This is the simple script I use for remote control:
@ title Remote 590IS
while 1
   wait_click 1
   is_key if "remote" then shoot

Please can you tell me the last step, I find the Save option ROM crash log in the Miscellaneous Stuff menu -> Debug Parameters

thanks again,


Re: Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script
« Reply #3 on: 09 / January / 2013, 19:54:05 »
This is the simple script I use for remote control:
Code: [Select]
@ title Remote 590IS
while 1
   wait_click 1
   is_key if "remote" then shoot
There is nothing wrong with this but you don't actually need a script to do this. The build in USB remote functionality will do this for you.

Please can you tell me the last step, I find the Save option ROM crash log in the Miscellaneous Stuff menu -> Debug Parameters
Once you get to that menu option,  press the Func/Set button on the Save ROM Crash Log menu item.  You should see a message window that says :
   ROM crash log saved to ROMLOG.LOG.
When you do, use the SD card reader on your PC to read this file from the root directory of your SD card.   Cut&paste the content of that file here.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script
« Reply #4 on: 10 / January / 2013, 14:34:33 »
The goal is to keep the camera on until the battery runs out.

He used the following in the menu system "Disable LCD off"

[Script] - LCD / EVF display will not turn
off while in ALT mode while a script is OR

I will try that the camera does not turn off using the power saving options and letting the camera remote control ON.

Not execute the script remote.bas




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Re: Off of my Canon 590IS with remote script
« Reply #5 on: 01 / May / 2013, 13:14:39 »
Have you figured out the problem? It looks like i have a similar problem after a few hours of operation. I'm doing some debug tests and tomorrow I will publish report.


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