Hi, does anyone know if PS A3100IS lenses are equivalent to any of the models mentioned above?
I'm looking for its lens profile.
EDIT: If I'm going to compare the lens specs to others, what would I'll be looking for? Same focal length? Same max aperture? Both?
Hi glapido !
You can make your own lens profile, it is not very complicated.
Adobe Lens Profile Creator from this link.
In the folder 'calibration charts' find' Landscape ISO_A4 - 08.30 In x 11.70 In (Square Print Dimension 54 Pts, Version 7 x 13) file and open it with your PDF viewer in full screen mode.
Make nine images as shown in the accompanying figure that has been added to this post.
Repeat this procedure several times at different focal lengths.
Use the camera in P mode and be sure to select ISO 100, the higher ISO value can confuse the application.
Do not forget that you need to save DNG files. Enable it in chdk menu.
When you have stored all DNG files on the SD card, download them to your computer.
Open the files one by one in the Camera RAW application, set the proper white balance, and then save the files still in the DNG format.
In the folder 'documentation' find file 'AdobeLensProfileCreatorUserGuide.pdf', there is described step by step how to continue to use the Lens Profile Creator.