Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode - page 2 - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode

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Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #10 on: 30 / April / 2008, 10:42:30 »
something bad happened, and barney was somehow involved so subsequently he removed himself and all his posts from the forum. eventually he will come back, some of us (including me) even hope so :)


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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #11 on: 30 / April / 2008, 11:16:39 »
I might have come up with something working here:
Code: [Select]
@title Bracketing series by vine
@param a Number of shoots per take
@default a 3
@param b Seconds between takes
@default b 60
@param c Number of takes
@default c 10
for i=1 to c
get_raw_count x
press "shoot_half"
sleep 2000
press "shoot_full"
  get_raw_count z
until z=y
release "shoot_full"
release "shoot_half"
print "Take",i,"done"
sleep b*1000
next i
Set camera to continuous mode and activate the built in bracketing function of your choice, then run the script.
This is my first script, but none the less it seems to work. I was unsure about the shoot_half before the shoot_full, but since this is how I'd do it manually I wrote it this way.
Please tell me how to improve on this and correct any errors.
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Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #12 on: 30 / April / 2008, 11:46:33 »
excellent idea using get_raw_count. but this only works if you have raw enabled of course (otherwise the counter doesnt change for like every 5 or 6 shots depending on camera model and jpg size/quality settings). if you dont shoot raw, you can use the get_jpg_count.
in the end i think jucifers get_exp_count is more accurate, see yet another personal CHDK build (against trunk revision 388)


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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #13 on: 30 / April / 2008, 13:09:42 »
So is this script ok this way, or are there any big errors I made?
If it's ok, I'll make a version where you can choose between jpg/raw and post it in the completed scripts section.
Since this is my first script like I said I'd feel better if a veteran had a quick look at it and gave it his ok.
get_exp_count sounds like a great new addition, but I'll stay with my current chdk version for now.
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Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #14 on: 30 / April / 2008, 13:24:55 »
i think the ubasic chdk chief of scripts is fudgey, at least compared to my little knowledge. maybe he will take a look. but if it floats your boat - it should be ok, shouldnt it?


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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #15 on: 30 / April / 2008, 15:14:29 »
Here is my simpler version for now:
Code: [Select]
get_raw_count r
press "shoot_full"
get_raw_count t
until t=s
release "shoot_full"
Just takes a RAW shots in continuous mode.
« Last Edit: 30 / April / 2008, 19:13:49 by PS »


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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #16 on: 30 / April / 2008, 15:20:49 »
Note that get_raw_count returns the number of remaining raw images you can take on the current memory card.
So when you start the script you have to
1.)get the current number remaining say X (50 remaining for example)
2.)assign to a variable Y the number X minus the number of shots you want to take (so if you want to take 3 photos Y will be 50 - 3 = 47)
3.)then compare after every shot if the number of remaining raw images Z equals your calculated Y
Hope this is understandable, otherwise just ask again if you need more clarification.
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« Reply #17 on: 30 / April / 2008, 15:30:26 »
« Last Edit: 01 / February / 2009, 13:56:18 by PS »


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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #18 on: 01 / May / 2008, 03:17:19 »
I believe that awaited get_exp_count will work this way?
I'm not really sure if it returns the number of images taken since the start of the session or if it returns the overall number taken (the one used to name the pictures when file numbering is set to continuous). If you are interested in this function you might want to try jucifers built and find out for yourself. Report back with your findings if you do.
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Re: Help: Tv bracketing script in continuous mode
« Reply #19 on: 01 / May / 2008, 11:36:17 »
get_exp_count uses already existing get_file_counter (not ubasic command), which returns data from file counter -parameter. get_exp_count could be refined more (I guess); now it doesn't return the actual exposure count, but at least the value returned is increased by one on every exposure


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