Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...) - page 4 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)

  • 101 Replies
Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #30 on: 28 / April / 2008, 08:13:20 »
Hi! I'm a newbie in this section and so please don't blame my "ignorance"^^
Is it normal that when applying the custom curves, the camera slows down quite a lot? (for me, it takes about 12 seconds!)

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #31 on: 28 / April / 2008, 08:35:22 »
What camera you got?  I have just got this working, and it takes my A570 about 3 seconds to apply a 'red' curve.  I suspect any curve should take the same time, as it applys values across the image?  I've tried a couple of home made curves and they take about 3-4 seconds at the most.


EDIT: I guess you are an A630 user hence your name...!  I would think 12 seconds is a long time.. But I cannot assist further as to why, sorry.
« Last Edit: 28 / April / 2008, 08:39:02 by Steveo »
PS 570IS User
EOS 350D/XT User

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #32 on: 28 / April / 2008, 08:37:56 »
I have a A630. Maybe is it due to the fact that your camera uses a Digic III processor instead of Digic II on mine.

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #33 on: 28 / April / 2008, 08:40:48 »
Ah yes, probably the Digic differences...  A good idea is to use RAW and then use RAW Develop after the shooting when you're not wanting your camera for the next quick shot.  Plus you get a 'normal' photo and then can mess with the RAW to get whatever effect you are after..

PS 570IS User
EOS 350D/XT User

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #34 on: 28 / April / 2008, 08:44:37 »
Yes, thank you. However, if both cameras use 100% of the processor performance while applying the curve, it would mean that the Dific III is almost three times as powerful as the Digic II. Interesting.

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #35 on: 01 / May / 2008, 00:22:42 »
Could you change the curve editor to have an option for straight lines point to point? Then all the above would be possible.

Here you go...

Removed old binaries for curve editor.
« Last Edit: 07 / July / 2008, 21:22:37 by toinech »

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #36 on: 01 / May / 2008, 02:04:30 »

I made some stair-step curves to test posterizing. There are only 16 curve points available which limits the number of posterize colors to 8 or less steps but it's still fun. One of my other cameras has a posterize effect in it. I thought it would be fun to recreate that in my Canon. I attached some of my experiment curves to this post. Including the curve points files too so you can load them in the curve editor to see what the curve pattern looks like. I could make up to 8 stair-steps all the way to the corners with the 16 curve points available. If I tried balancing the shape, half of the points above the diagonal, half below the diagonal, by shifting the end points on the sides to make 90-degree bends. But then I lost too many shadows and highlights. You can see that pattern in the "poster.CV" file. "poster3" has 7 steps, "poster4" has 6 steps but is more balanced on the diagonal. Even so with the way they are it makes for some interesting "painted" effects.

I found that setting curves for the RGGB color is very different from setting one for RGB color. Darker tones quickly shift to purples because of both green channels being shifted darker. It would take a lot of experiments to figure out how to match the effect in RGGB. Maybe someday there will be an editor that can load a sample photo for instant feedback with finer control over the curve points. Custom curves would be easy to build that way.

Even so, this is still a fun and important feature to have just the way it is!

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #37 on: 01 / May / 2008, 19:05:07 »
Maybe someday there will be an editor that can load a sample photo for instant feedback with finer control over the curve points. Custom curves would be easy to build that way.

The best option may be is to work back from UFRAW since you can edit a curve there.
I am not sure what format the curve is saved though. Still need to do some work there but not a priority at this point.

Increase the number of points to 128.

The more points you add the slower this will be (particularly with spline curve).

Outdated attachment removed
« Last Edit: 11 / July / 2008, 10:07:33 by toinech »

Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #38 on: 07 / May / 2008, 02:53:01 »
Little bit of optimization...
Code become longer - however with fewer operations (to gain some time).
For Jucifer build...


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Re: Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...)
« Reply #39 on: 07 / May / 2008, 06:47:29 »
Cool. Takes about half less time to apply curves. (Tested with one curve, but still...) :] Will be included in next build.


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