I want to make a test image that requires more than the maximum 64 seconds of exposure.
So I made a simple script that take 4 images when I press the shutter once, and enabled RAW.
In CHDK's menu, I went to Miscellaneous Stuff/File Browser and located the 4 large files with .DNG extention.
I marked them all with the right arrow and then pressed the left arrow which gave me a popup menu.
In that menu i selected Raw ops, placed the marked line on "RAW sum" and finally hit the FUNC SET button, expecting the four selected files to be summed up and written to a new raw file. Instead, it just closes the popup menu
Am I supposed to press another button? Work with some other type of raw file than DNG?
There is plenty of space on the card for the new file.
[Canon A3200IS, CHDK 1.1.0-2401-0]