Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses) - page 4 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)

  • 39 Replies
Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #30 on: 27 / July / 2013, 16:13:32 »
I've still gotta memorize all the key presses on the A1200 so I can turn the lcd off and then start lecshoot.lua. 
This will disable the display on your A1200 automagically and also disable dark frame subtraction for you :
Code: [Select]
@title Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting
@param   a Exposure Time (Seconds)
@default a 10
@range   a 1 60
@param   b Number of Shots
@default b 10
@range   b 0 9999
@param   d Display On
@range   d 0 1
@default d 1
@param   f Dark Frame Disabled
@range   f 0 1
@default f 0

function set_display_key(m)  -- click display key to get to desire LCD display mode 0=off, 1=on
    if (m==0) then m=2 else m=0 end
    local count=5
    local clicks=0
        disp = get_prop(props.DISPLAY_MODE)
        if ( disp ~= m ) then
    until (( disp==m ) or (count==0))
    if (clicks>0 and count==0) then
       print("unable to change display")

--This is an array of TV96 values for exposure times 1-60 seconds.
--It is indexed by the exposure time in seconds.
expVAL = {0, -96, -152, -192, -223, -248, -270, -288, -304, -319, -332, -344, -355, -366, -375, -384, -392, -400, -408, 415, -422, -428, -434, -440, -446, -451, -456, -462, -466, -471, -476, -480, -484, -488, -492, -496, -500, -504, -507, -511, -514, -518, -521, -524, -527, -530, -533, -536, -539, -542, -545, -547, -550, -552, -555, -558, -560, -562, -565, -567}

--This is the main part of the script - CAMERA MUST BE IN CONTINUOUS DRIVE MODE

set_raw_nr(f) -- disable Canon's dark frame reduction if selected
if(b>9999) then b=b-9999 end -- starts from 1 again
set_iso_real( 80 )
set_tv96_direct( expVAL[a] )
repeat sleep(50) until get_shooting() == true
repeat sleep(10) until get_exp_count()==b
set_raw_nr(0) -- enable Canon's dark frame reduction
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #31 on: 03 / August / 2013, 10:53:45 »
Thanks, waterwingz!  Last night was the first semi-clear night we've had in a long time...we've had unseasonably wet and cool weather this summer down here in south Alabama...odd, but nice.  But, we've had a lot of fog, overcast skies from it.

I installed your latest code modification and ran it last night for roughly three of hours.  The video isn't anything fancy but it's got me excited about the clear nights we will probably get this winter!

At 13 seconds into the video there is an UFO  ::) in the lower left hand corner of the screen.  Two lights appear in one frame.  Maybe a meteor coming more directly at us rather than streaking past us or something...?

Camera settings:
Resolution: L - 4000x3000
ISO: 100 (picture shows 125)
Shutter Exposure: 16 seconds (picture shows 15 seconds)
Aperture: f2.8 (from picture)
Mode: Program
Selected: Continuous Shooting

Video:  http://www.beeweather.com/wximages/Stars01.avi
Jpeg:  http://www.beeweather.com/wximages/Stars01-2lights.JPG

The script seems to be working the way intended...thanks for the tweaking!! ;)

A question I have is the camera noise...I guess that is just something I'll have to live with?  I'm don't how to use them, but is it possible to use darkframes with a timelapse video like this to take out the noise or is that only only for star-trail still pictures?


ETA:  Camera was pointed to the north.
« Last Edit: 03 / August / 2013, 11:54:49 by Intheswamp »

Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #32 on: 03 / August / 2013, 12:50:13 »
A question I have is the camera noise...I guess that is just something I'll have to live with?  I'm don't how to use them, but is it possible to use darkframes with a timelapse video like this to take out the noise or is that only only for star-trail still pictures?
To tell the truth, I've been wondering why you were not just using this script :


It takes very slightly longer between shots as its not in continuous mode but it does have one significant advantage - it periodially takes dark frames for you.

Something like this will let you post process the dark frames against each image prior to making your video :


There are more options here :

« Last Edit: 03 / August / 2013, 13:11:02 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #33 on: 03 / August / 2013, 13:21:42 »
Thanks, I'll take a look at those links.  My primary intent with the lecshoot.lua script is to shoot lightning storms at night...shooting stars and meteor showers is an afterthought.  Multi-purpose too. :)

I think that answers a question that I had about whether I could use dark frames with the timelapse.  My A1200 definitely picked up some noise last night.

<sigh> I tend to go check things while I'm posting...  I remember now that I had tried to use meteor.lua earlier before I found lecshot.lua.  I loaded up meteor.lua a couple of minutes ago and I get the error "your CHDK does not support native calls."  I think there's a German CHDK version that includes the native calls and then I have to add something else to convert German to English?


Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #34 on: 03 / August / 2013, 13:28:36 »
I tend to go check things while I'm posting...  I remember now that I had tried to use meteor.lua earlier before I found lecshot.lua.  I loaded up meteor.lua a couple of minutes ago and I get the error "your CHDK does not support native calls."  I think there's a German CHDK version that includes the native calls and then I have to add something else to convert German to English?
The current stable version of CHDK (released earlier this week) now has an option in the miscellaneous menu that will allow you to enable "native calls".   You probably want to update your CHDK if you have not already done so.

Update :  You could also stick with the lecshoot.lua script and periodically create a dark frame manually by placing a lens cap or other black object so that it completely covers the lens for one shot.
« Last Edit: 03 / August / 2013, 13:44:25 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #35 on: 05 / August / 2013, 19:36:28 »
Ok, I've updated to the latest CHDK version and the meteor.lua script runs. :)  Now my finite brain has got to figure out how to use dark frames.  It sounds like dark frames need to have RAW files to work for best results, though it seems I read that dark frames will work with jpegs but not as well.  Is this correct?  I'm just thinking of the extra time it takes to write the RAW files and also the size of them.   I would like to work with jpegs first, then move on to RAW files.  Is it possible to use jpegs and dark frames?

Am I correct in thinking that if CHDK's parameters are set at 'default' then the default meteor.lua script will set the RAW configurations up correctly?  Will all that I need to do be change the four options at the bottom of the script menu (if I wish to)...Number of shots, Raw On/Off, Shots per Dark Frame, and exposure in seconds?

I'm hoping that I can get some clear nights before the Perseids arrive so that I can get maybe an hour of exposures so I can tinker with some of the dark frame software... but for the next several days we have chances for rain during the day which means a good chance of humid, foggy nights.   I'm hoping for at least clear nights during the actual event...we'll see.

Thanks for the files and file links and for suggesting that I upgrade CHDK!!  I've got *lots* to learn!!!

Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #36 on: 05 / August / 2013, 19:46:00 »
Ok, I've updated to the latest CHDK version and the meteor.lua script runs. :)  Now my finite brain has got to figure out how to use dark frames.  It sounds like dark frames need to have RAW files to work for best results, though it seems I read that dark frames will work with jpegs but not as well.  Is this correct? 
I believe that is correct.  The RAW images and the RAW dark frame are a pixel-by-pixel match with the sensor so correction can happen on a per pixel basis.    JPG's are compressed so getting exact pixel correction might be tough.

But somebody else with more experience in post processing might want to chime in here?  blackhole ?

I'm just thinking of the extra time it takes to write the RAW files and also the size of them.   
Get a large & fast SD card ( 16G class 10 ) and the difference will be minimal.

Am I correct in thinking that if CHDK's parameters are set at 'default' then the default meteor.lua script will set the RAW configurations up correctly? 
Yes - but you need to check that RAW is setup to save as DNG files.  Its the same information but there is a header attached that most photoprocessing software can work with.
« Last Edit: 05 / August / 2013, 19:49:18 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #37 on: 06 / August / 2013, 04:28:12 »
Ok, I've updated to the latest CHDK version and the meteor.lua script runs.   Now my finite brain has got to figure out how to use dark frames.  It sounds like dark frames need to have RAW files to work for best results, though it seems I read that dark frames will work with jpegs but not as well.  Is this correct? 

I believe that is correct.  The RAW images and the RAW dark frame are a pixel-by-pixel match with the sensor so correction can happen on a per pixel basis.    JPG's are compressed so getting exact pixel correction might be tough.
You're right, but for startrails jpeg will be OK.
With the settings I would not go over TV15 and ISO 125

Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #38 on: 06 / August / 2013, 10:14:11 »
Thanks for the feedback, ya'll are teaching this ol' country boy somethings.   :D

waterwingz, I've got the SDHC card covered...I've got a 16gb class 10 card that I've been using.  I'll check and be sure that .DNG is selected.

blackhole, thanks for the input.  What I'm trying to shoot is a moving star field...can I take it that jpeg will be ok for this, also?

A couple of questions/observations:

I noticed in the CHDK configuration menu that DFS defaulted to 'Auto'...should I set this to 'Off" or will meteor.lua disregard the setting and use it's own configured dark frame exposure rate (default of 1:50/dark:light)?

In the CHDK settings DNG Version defaults to v1.3.  The manual states that maximum compatibility is found while using v1.1.  Since I'm not sure yet which (free) software I will be using would it be a good idea to change the setting to v1.1?

Temperature of CCD?  What would be rough low-noise, high-noise, and danger-level values for this?

I didn't really realize just how indepth this software goes!!!

Thanks for your patience and help!!

ETA:  One more question and I promise to try and be  :-X for a while. :)  Is it better for the RAW images be placed in the directories with the jpegs or in the Canon directory?
« Last Edit: 06 / August / 2013, 11:23:34 by Intheswamp »

Re: Long-Exposure Continuous Shooting (for star trails or other uses)
« Reply #39 on: 06 / August / 2013, 11:29:37 »
I noticed in the CHDK configuration menu that DFS defaulted to 'Auto'...should I set this to 'Off" or will meteor.lua disregard the setting and use it's own configured dark frame exposure rate (default of 1:50/dark:light)?
The script will override the menu setting and reset it when it is done.

In the CHDK settings DNG Version defaults to v1.3.  The manual states that maximum compatibility is found while using v1.1.  Since I'm not sure yet which (free) software I will be using would it be a good idea to change the setting to v1.1?

Temperature of CCD?  What would be rough low-noise, high-noise, and danger-level values for this?
I don't think anyone really knows - and there is not a lot you can do about it anyway.

One more question and I promise to try and be  :-X for a while. :)  Is it better for the RAW images be placed in the directories with the jpegs or in the Canon directory?
Doesn't matter to CHDK or the camera.   Just a question of where you want to find them when you put your card in your PC card reader.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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