This is my first report here so I might be messing up something. I apologise.
According to the
manual (pp. 91 and 105) two (←, →) of the "Half shutter + cursor"
bindings are used by the original firmware.
I've checked the source. I launched the following command to check what is the actual binding for SHORTCUT_DISABLE_OVERRIDES on A810 (I don't know the structure of the source tree very well yet but this seems the most logical).
(cat include/camera.h; sed -n 52,138p core/gui.c; echo SHORTCUT_DISABLE_OVERRIDES ) | cpp -I platform/a810/
I got KEY_LEFT. Which according to the manual is not appropriate for use with "Half shutter".
The effect on my A810 is that:
- the fist time I press HS+LEFT: the overrides toggle;
- the second time I do it: the AFL kicks in;
- upon the third attempt the camera crashes.
Best regards,