I found a typo and some missing lines in the 1.00d port. Test version (CHDK 1.1!) attached, please report whether it helps. DISKBOOT.BIN + modules only, you need to use a bootable SD card.
Index: platform/ixus105_sd1300/sub/100d/boot.c
--- platform/ixus105_sd1300/sub/100d/boot.c (revision 2519)
+++ platform/ixus105_sd1300/sub/100d/boot.c (working copy)
@@ -172,8 +172,12 @@
"MOV R0, #0x53000\n"
"STR R0, [SP,#4]\n"
//"LDR R0, =0x12E9FC\n"
+#if defined(OPT_CHDK_IN_EXMEM)
+ "LDR R0, =0x12E9FC\n"
"LDR R0, =new_sa\n" // + remove the line ^ if using these two
"LDR R0, [R0]\n" // + this is related to chdk size
"LDR R2, =0x2F9C00\n"
"LDR R1, =0x2F24A8\n"
"STR R0, [SP,#8]\n"
@@ -266,7 +270,7 @@
"BL sub_ffc239e4\n"
"LDR R1, =0xC0220000\n"
"MOV R0, #0x44\n"
- "STR R0, [R1,#0x20]\n"
+ "STR R0, [R1,#0x1c]\n"
"BL sub_ffc23bd0\n"
"B loc_ffc0fb30\n"
edit: attachment no longer useful, removed