Hi All,
Just wanted to show off a quick project which in total has taken me about 1 hour from setup to post...
Following on from the high speed sync/sink thread I was inspired to try capturing drips in action (infact, i'm now obsessed!). Technical setup was A570IS on a tripod over my sink, filled a black wash bowl with water, made the tap drip slow which created a still water surface and large drops. Set the shutter speed to 1/50000, flash to 1/3 power (taken with no light but day light around 6pm). Zoomed in to full 4x zoom with no additional lens. Manual focus to the 'drip zone', f=8 and was even lazy (edit: chdk smart) to set an interval script off to keep on clicking.
Also had it taking RAW, the only thing slowing the camera down was the flash recharge. Came back after 10 mins and sifted through loads of 'ok', 'cool', 'wow's!!' and pics of just still water to settle on this image for a nice desktop bg:

JPEG was dark due to low flash, ISO=100 and low shutter speed and because that was kind of what I was after, but as I shot in RAW was able to use DNG4PS to import it into Photoshop - jig around with it to something lighter I liked.
As this was going to be a desktop wallpaper, I wasn't too fused about the realism of the colours, so went for a cool blue, faded it around the edges and came up with this..

I like it, and am impressed by myself that I can produce a wallpaper that I would happily download from Google and use, so to speak!! Did my little camera really do that!?!
Well, I hope you like it, feel free to copy it, I also did a version for 1280x1024 which I can host if someone is after it for a 19" screen. I hope this inspires you to try it yourself and have fun!!

(P.S. Don't use a mini tripod balanced on shiney wet draining boards... an early attempt saw my A570 go for a dive!!

. Was only a tiny bit of water, but the screen seemed to get water behind it.. that was a cold sweaty night waiting for the LCD to dry out. Alls well now though, phew!!! Will never leave my camera dangling over water again... durrr!!)