well i ordered the card because of one entry in the benchmarks, it's a "transcend 150X, 4GB". which performs nicely when you look at the results in the s3is benchmarks. i'm not sure it is the cards thats having problems or my OS in reading the card. in windows everything is fine, i guess windows doesnt give a sh*t about partition tables as they never did care for standards
googling didnt help me yet, i assume it has to do with my linux box. or the cardreader driver, that is. damn
yes, i dont wanna lose the autobooting feature, and the speed. hm, dual partition, gonna try that. losing chdk settings wouldnt be such a problem. speaking of that, i think i'm gonna compile me an own chdk with my favourite default options already hardcoded in
and so can you, by the way, changing the default options is really really easy, basically you just have to know how to compile
maybe whim can include that into his windows autobuilding toolchain
https://tools.assembla.com/chdk/browser/trunk/core/conf.c <- starting in line 119
CONF_INFO( 1, conf.show_osd, CONF_DEF_VALUE, i:1, NULL),
if you exchange the 1 for a 0, then the default setting will be "no osd shown". integer values generally mean "0 is off" and "1 is on". for colors you can either use the mnemonic names from
https://tools.assembla.com/chdk/browser/trunk/core/gui_draw.h or directly the hexvalues (these can be taken from the chdk you have on your cam right now).
most settings in the conf.c file are selfexplaining.
on the sdcard issue, doesnt grAnd also run his system with linux? how do you do it?
edit: starting in line #346 you can also edit the default position for the osd elements