Hello, I'm very new to the CHDK forums.
I am attempting to sync two cameras to take pictures at the same time with the same computer. In the chdk.wikia.com/wiki/USB_Remote_Cable page, I have found some information:
I have found that Enable Sync is "
A useful application of CHDK is the ability to connect two or more cameras together via a common USB cable so that their operations can be synchronized. The fact that the cameras are connected in parallel ensures that things happen at approximately the same time."
However, my question arises in the Enabling USB Remote operation. In this paragraph, it is stated that when the Enable Remote option is selected,
the USB port on the camera will no longer be available for uploading picture files or ptp operations.Does this mean that I can not transfer the pictures I take with each synced camera to my computer? If so, how can I get the files onto my computer?