ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus

  • 11 Replies

Offline jtrue

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So I just installed CHDK on my ELPH 310HS.  It appears to have been installed correctly.  I can get to the ALT menu and shoot in RAW.  The issue is that when I try to take a shot without half-pressing the shutter button to auto-focus the camera freezes and I need to restart the camera.  This happens in both RAW and JPEG mode.  It also appears to take a very long time to save each photo while in RAW.  I understand they are about 5 times the size, so maybe this is normal.  I have a 4gb class 4 SD card that I formatted in FAT16 in Cardtricks, maybe that's the issue?


Offline jtrue

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Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #1 on: 20 / February / 2013, 18:15:58 »
Just to add, re-formatted into FAT32 and used the in-camera function to make the card bootable.  No change.  Still freezing if I don't pre-focus before taking a shot.

Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #2 on: 20 / February / 2013, 20:29:30 »
The issue is that when I try to take a shot without half-pressing the shutter button to auto-focus the camera freezes and I need to restart the camera.
How do you restartt?  Power switch?  Or do you have to pull the battery?  You could try creating a ROMLOG in the debug menu and posting here. Iif the camera is actually crashing - that would help track this down.

This happens in both RAW and JPEG mode. 
Are there any overrides ( Tv for example ) enabled ?

It also appears to take a very long time to save each photo while in RAW.
How long is "long" ?  The processor does some extra work on the image prior to saving as RAW.  And the save itself takes time.   I've seen as long as 4 seconds extra per shot with a class 2 SD card.

I  have a 4gb class 4 SD card that I formatted in FAT16 in Cardtricks, maybe that's the issue?
If CHDK loads, then Cardtricks worked fine.  And having a 4G card is irrelevant too.

Just to add, re-formatted into FAT32 and used the in-camera function to make the card bootable.  No change.  Still freezing if I don't pre-focus before taking a shot.
See my comment above.
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Offline jtrue

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Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #3 on: 20 / February / 2013, 22:36:30 »
I can turn it back on with the power button.  No overrides that I know of, dont remember setting anything like that up.  Time to save a RAW file is around 5.25 seconds.  Can I just view the log file in the root directory of my sd card?


Offline jtrue

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Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #4 on: 20 / February / 2013, 23:10:20 »
Log file below:

ASSERT!! Mounter.c Line 3120
Occured Time  2013:02:20 11:06:05
Task ID: 43057243
Task name: DvlpSeqTask
SP: 0x003B6010
0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f 0f 01 01 0f 0f 0f 11 02 0f 0f 0f 12
06 01 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
00027430: UI:ScreenUnLock
00027500: UI:ScreenLock
00027500: UI:ScreenUnLock
00027510: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00027530: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00030950: UI:ScreenLock
00030950: UI:ScreenUnLock
00030970: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00032020: UI:Button:0x000009A1:PressSwOne
00032020: UI:DSIC:25,0
00032020: SS:PreBuf
00032020: SS:BitR
00032020: UI:m_fExecuteSmileShutter:0
00032020: UI:ShootState:0x11
00032030: UI:_nContiShootCount->0
00032030: UI:ShtCon_Activate
00032030: UI:DispSw: Lock
00032030: UI:ShtCon_PrepareCapture
00032030: UI:DSIC:61,0
00032030: UI:ScreenLock
00032030: UI:ScreenUnLock
00032040: UI:ScreenLock
00032040: UI:ScreenUnLock
00032040: UI:LogicalEvent:0x3135:adr:0,Para:0
00032040: SS:LoadTest:10
00032040: SS:PreCapt
00032070: UI:Button:0x000009A3:PressSwTwo
00032070: UI:ShtCon_SetReviewMode
00032070: UI:ShootState:0x31
00032070: UI:_fPopupState(LogicalSw):0
00032070: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00032070: UI:ShootState:0x32
00032070: UI:ShootState:0x1
00032070: UI:ClearEventComp
00032070: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00032070: SS:IsQ=1
00032070: SS:Q-Shoot
00032070: SS:IsQ=1
00032070: UI:ShootState:0x12
00032220: UI:Button:0x000009A4:UnpressSwTwo
00032220: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032250: UI:Button:0x000009A2:UnpressSwOne
00032250: UI:_fEndContiShoot:1
00032490: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2006:adr:0x45,Para:69
00032490: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032490: UI:ShootState:0x13
00032490: UI:ShootState:0x30
00032490: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032490: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032490: UI:m_fExecuteSmileShutter:0
00032490: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032490: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032490: UI:ShtCon_SetPreCapt
00032490: UI:DSIC:13,0
00032500: UI:DSIC:62,0
00032500: UI:ScreenLock
00032500: UI:ScreenUnLock
00032500: UI:ShtCon_ResetShootingMode
00032510: UI:_fCompleteStrobeCharge->0
00032510: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032510: UI:_fEndContiShoot->0
00032510: UI:_fNextShotAvail->0
00032510: UI:_fStrobeOn:0
00032510: UI:_nContiShootCount->1
00032510: UI:_nContiShootCount:1
00032510: UI:DSIC:14,0
00032510: UI:_MuteOn
00032510: UI:DSIC:43,0
00032510: UI:DispSwCon_MuteOnPhysicalScreen
00032510: UI:Window MuteOn
00032510: UI:MuteOnPhysicalScreen
00032510: SS:Shoot
00032510: UI:DSIC:63,0
00032510: UI:ScreenLock
00032520: UI:Reduce ScreenUnLock
00032520: UI:ScreenLock
00032520: UI:Reduce ScreenUnLock
00032520: UI:ScreenLock
00032520: UI:ScreenUnLock
00032520: UI:_fEndContiShoot->1
00032520: UI:ShootState:0x61
00032520: UI:ShootState:0x4
00032520: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00032540: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00037330: SS:EvfFocusChecker Cbr
00037330: SS:EvfFocusChecker Cbr


Offline jtrue

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Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #5 on: 22 / February / 2013, 23:02:16 »
Bump, any ideas?  Try a different card?

Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #6 on: 23 / February / 2013, 01:31:52 »
Bump, any ideas?
Well,  you might need to ask the question in the right thread - normally the porting thread for the camera in question. In this case that would be http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6341

In general,  there are only a few people who help out here regularly .. less than ten  ... so posting in the right thread sometimes draws in people who actually own the camera.

Try a different card?
Sure .. try that. But its almost certainly not related to the card.  Without owning the camera,  all I can say is that this seems to be a bug with the implementation of the port.   Which can likely only be solved by a CHDK developer with access to the camera.    So you might be stuck .. or just have to do a "half press" before each shot - which does not seem like such a big thing in the scheme of things ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline jtrue

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Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #7 on: 23 / February / 2013, 04:14:20 »
Got it.  I shoot a lot of backcountry skiing, so I'm constantly pulling the camera out without much setup time to captute an image.maybe I could get used to making sure I half press each time before a shot, but it's not ideal.  I'll post in that thread and see if someone can help me out.  New to chdk so some of these terms are new to me, thanks for pointing me to the correct thread.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #8 on: 23 / February / 2013, 15:31:23 »
I have found and fixed a bug, can you test whether the issue is resolved? Use the most recent autobuild release (revision 2591 or higher).

Re: ELPH 310HS Issue-Freezing While Taking a Shot if I don't Pre-Focus
« Reply #9 on: 23 / February / 2013, 16:06:06 »
I have found and fixed a bug, can you test whether the issue is resolved? Use the most recent autobuild release (revision 2591 or higher).
Very nice!  That's been there since the port was first released back at r1438.

I wonder if it also solves this :  http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6341.msg92532#msg92532
« Last Edit: 23 / February / 2013, 16:08:34 by waterwingz »
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