CHDKPTP: S90 Primary Focal Plane Configuration - hacking out the CCD - page 71 - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

CHDKPTP: S90 Primary Focal Plane Configuration - hacking out the CCD

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Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP: S90 Primary Focal Plane Configuration - hacking out the CCD
« Reply #700 on: 29 / September / 2013, 09:20:42 »

I am testing long exposures and if I use Tv values longer than 15s, for example, 16s, or 32s, the image gets exposed for the correct duration, but EXIF tops out at 15s.  Is there a way to enable reporting the long Tv in EXIF?


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDKPTP: S90 Primary Focal Plane Configuration - hacking out the CCD
« Reply #701 on: 29 / September / 2013, 14:36:10 »

I am testing long exposures and if I use Tv values longer than 15s, for example, 16s, or 32s, the image gets exposed for the correct duration, but EXIF tops out at 15s.  Is there a way to enable reporting the long Tv in EXIF?
There is a propcase we call PROPCASE_TV2 which helps with this on some cameras. If the id for this propcase is defined, it is automatically used.

Your S90 is propset 3, which does not currently have this defined.

In propsets 4 and 5, the propcase ID is one than the normal PROPCASE_TV value. That would make it 263 on your camera. You can use the propcase viewer in the debug menu to see if this ends up with values like the regular PROPCASE_TV after shooting. This should be done WITHOUT using CHDK overrides, and should probably done in an automatic mode like P. Just take a shot and observer whether propcase 263 ends up with the same value as propcase 264.

I can make a test build with this set, but I guess you are using a heavily customized build at this point.

Note that this still may not reflect exposures longer than 64 sec.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP: S90 Primary Focal Plane Configuration - hacking out the CCD
« Reply #702 on: 29 / September / 2013, 15:00:14 »
That would make it 263 on your camera. You can use the propcase viewer in the debug menu to see if this ends up with values like the regular PROPCASE_TV after shooting. This should be done WITHOUT using CHDK overrides, and should probably done in an automatic mode like P. Just take a shot and observer whether propcase 263 ends up with the same value as propcase 264.
I would be able to do P on the 100c camera.  Because Lua syntax has been incessant moving target for me, would that be? ...
  > set P mode (definitely not M)
  > take a shot at Canon Tv 1s
  > =return get_prop(264)
  > =return get_prop(263)

I can make a test build with this set, but I guess you are using a heavily customized build at this point.
Yes.  So if you have a solution however (the customized instrument cam 101a uses only V1.1), perhaps srsa might be able to determine if it's possible/doable for the 101a.  The unhacked 100c bench cam has at the moment V1.2 installed, and can be used with either 1.2 or 1.1 to test out.

Note that this still may not reflect exposures longer than 64 sec.
64 sec would likely be the maximum Tv I'd be using, so I'd be happy with that.


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDKPTP: S90 Primary Focal Plane Configuration - hacking out the CCD
« Reply #703 on: 29 / September / 2013, 15:16:30 »
  > set P mode (definitely not M)
  > take a shot at Canon Tv 1s
Since you are in P mode and should not be using overrides, the Tv will be whatever the camera chose. That's OK, the question is whether the two values are the same or not. 1 s would not be a good choice, because it's tv96 0, which is likely to show up in other unrelated propcases.
If you take a couple shots with different lighting, that would help ensure that any agreement wasn't just coincidental.
  > =return get_prop(264)
  > =return get_prop(263)
Yes, that should work.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP: S90 Primary Focal Plane Configuration - hacking out the CCD
« Reply #704 on: 02 / October / 2013, 17:32:49 »

@srsa_4c & @reyalp

Your suggestion worked.  Here's the procedure.  Let's say your last downloaded image was IMG_5000, you want to shoot-to-PC with IMG_5001, but your last saved image counter was less than that, say IMG_1450.  So if you were to shoot-transfer-to-PC after the abnormal PDN instead without a counter preset, your IMG_1451 on PC would get overwritten.

>  PUP the camera.

>  Take a shot using the CHDKPTP SHOOT button saving to SD card only (with any Canon exposure setting).  This will create a directory and save the image with the current (bad) counter + 1, ie the counter that was last saved with a normal shutdown.  You can verify the counter error.  In this example, you would see IMG_1451.jpg. 

> Upload a good JPG renamed with the image counter you want to preset, to the directory that has the incorrect file on SD (where IMG_1451 is).  For example: upload IMG_4999.jpg if you want to take a test shot first w/o transferring to PC.

> Delete the bad file, leave the good one.

> Do a normal PDN (ie SHUTDOWN button in CHDKPTP), and then PUP.  You should see your uploaded image displayed on OSD in PLAY mode.

> Use CHDKPTP SHOOT button to take a test shot and verify image counter.  You should see  IMG_5000.jpg added to the directory.

> Manually delete the image directory (and CANONMSC if created).

> If you want, SHUTDOWN again to save this new counter.

> Your next shot will be +1, ie IMG_5001.jpg, hence getting the counter back on track again.

« Last Edit: 02 / October / 2013, 19:11:46 by SticK »


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